Confrontation // 6

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Present day...

Sunday 11:36 am
Sal's POV:
"What do we do man?" I question Larry, who seems to be just as stumped as I am... I close my eyes and try to think...hard. 'This can't be right' I thought to myself. Surely this isn't real, y/n wouldn't do this.

"Dude, I think we ask her," Larry opens his mouth after a few seconds of silence. I exhale. "If we ask her then she will know I took this," I hold up the paper holding the truth behind our friend. "I think she would find out one way or another," he says, attempting to reassure me. It didn't work. But I know its what we have to do.

y/n's POV:
I get woken by the sound of knocking at my door. I turn over and spot the time, who let me sleep this late? It's nearly 12am... "I'll be right there!" I shout towards the door to my apartment, trying to pull on a fresh shirt and pants. The door lock clicks and i pull it open. "Sal!" I pull him in for a hug. He hugs back. But it seemed as though he hesitated.

"Uh- hey y/n" he says. He seems off, i can tell. "What's up?" I ask. Sal stares at his feet for a few moments. "Can i come in?" He asks before finally looking back up at me. "Of course," I open the door fully for him.

"Y/n, please sit," Sal pats the empty space beside him on the couch. This seems serious. I do as he says. "Okay, I know you're probably not going to appreciate this, at all" he starts talking. "But, I took this..." he breaks the eye contact and goes back to looking at the floor. He then pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket and holds it in-front of me.

My heart sank.
But, why would he..
This can't be happening...

Tears began burning my eyes. I couldn't hold them back. Without thinking, i snatch the paper out of Sal's hand and run to my bedroom, slamming the door behind me. I could hear his footsteps getting closer. My back was to the door and my knees were to my chest. I was finally becoming happy...

Sal's POV
I knew this wouldn't go well, but it had to be done. I could hear y/n behind the door. Crying. Slowly, i place my head against it. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of took it. But, I want you to know that I'm only here to help, this doesn't change anything between us. You're still my best friend," I say delicately, just hoping the door opens. It didn't. And y/n didn't say a word. I take a deep breath before stepping back from the door.

'I'll give her some time' I thought whilst heading towards her apartment door.

Y/n's POV
I hear his footsteps fading, and i hate it. Y/n say something. Say something damn it! "Sal! Wait," I blurt out, then slowly I open the door. He was just about to leave, but then he turns and looks at me. His mask shifted slowly on his face. It does this when he smiles. Why is he smiling?

"I'm sure you have questions, I'll answer them," I mumble, wiping my damp face. "Just please don't leave," I add.


Sal and I sat for about an hour. He asked questions and I answered. Honestly too. He knows everything now. I almost regret telling him. But i trust Sal, i trust Sal with my life. His face seemed disappointed, which is less than what I expected. I expected him to of left by now. Maybe even rang the police. He believes me when I say I regret it, and I really do. I messed everything up, and lost everyone I had.

"Thank you Sal," I say. Now he looks confused - I like when he has his mask off, his facial expressions are so much clearer - "thank you, for not leaving me," I sound helpless, and i am in a way. Sal doesn't say a word, instead he shuffles closer to me and holds me close.

My heart felt warm. I've never felt anything like it. For the first time in a long time, I felt safe, maybe even loved...


I asked Sal if he would stay the night, surprisingly he said yes, even after knowing what he does. We both remained sat on my couch, watching TV, still holding each other. It's weird; we are acting like what just happened, didn't. "Y/n, you're not that person anymore," he randomly breaks the silence.

Uncontrollably i smile. "I know I'm not, I've never been better since I met you and Larry, you guys made me, me again. I can never repay you for that" i lift my head from his shoulder and look into his eyes.

I admire the scars on his face. Sal slowly begins moving closer. And closer. Then he stops, inches away from my face. "Y/n, can i kiss you?" He asks. In that moment, I knew why my heart felt warm. "Yes..." I whisper.  He moves that inch closer, making our lips meet.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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