Nightmare // 2

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Tuesday 6:48pm
Nearly a whole stack of video games later, the sun started to go down. We had hung out for hours, and I didn't want to have to say our goodbyes, but all good things come to an end. *ping* Sals pocket buzzed. "It's my dad, he's wanting me home," he hugs both me and Larry before heading for the door. Just before he left, he stopped and looked at me. I saw his mask lift, it was barely noticeable, I'm assuming he smiled. I smile back as I lift my hand to wave.

"I'm gonna head off too," I say seconds before the door had closed. As I stand from the bean bag, the door reopens. "Can I walk with you?" Sal pops his head around the corner. "Yeah sure," Before I could leave Larry stopped me, "take this, me and Sal will be a button away," he grins, handing over a walkie-talkie.

With one last attempt at gaining the chocolate bar, I kicked the machine. It made a lot of noise, but the chocolate didn't budge. "What was that for?" I hear Sal laugh behind me. "I tried getting it as I came to meet Larry, but I didn't have a stupid quarter..." I huff.

Suddenly I see Sal step towards the vending machine, insert a quarter and get the bar. At first I thought he was about to torment me by eating it in front of my face. But instead, he grabbed it and handed it out to me. "Here," his mask lifts ever so slightly once again. "You have no idea how much I was craving that, thank you," I peck the cheek of his mask. As we waited for the doors to open, i offer to half the delicious treat with him, but he insisted I have it. How cute.

Whilst in the elevator, Sal had told me we live on the same floor! So when we heard the ping we both stepped out. Just before we headed our separate ways, he spoke. "It was really nice meeting you, and it's nice to have a new face around, remember to use that walkie-talkie to keep in touch," he gestures to my hand. "Will do, see you later Sal."

I've spent so much time hanging with the boys, I totally forgot about unpacking anything... I don't even have anywhere to sleep. A quick thought came to mind and I managed to get my mattress into my designated bedroom. It's the best I have for tonight. An old school mattress on the floor won't do much harm. With a quick change of clothes and a brush of the teeth, I was ready for bed. For a long time I debated trying to start a conversation over the walkie, I stared at it. Eager to pick it up, or wanting to hear a familiar voice start talking. After some time I shook it off and rolled over.

"Hello, is anyone there?" I hear from behind my head. I quickly turn back over, grabbing the box. "Sal? Yeah I'm here," I reply making sure to click the side button as I spoke. "Hey y/n!" He seemed pleasantly surprised. "I was just going to ask if yous want to hang out tomorrow?" He finishes. I glance up and spot all the boxes... "i'de love to, but I have a severe amount of unpacking to do, my current situation is on a mattress on the floor," I giggle. "I mean, I didn't specify what we should do, so I guess we're helping you unpack tomorrow," he laughs. "Sal, don't worry about it, you and Larry can hang out, I'll be fin-" i start. "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow when we help you unpack, goodnight y/n" He interrupts me.

"Goodnight Sal," I did want to hang out with them again, even if it is doing something pretty boring - Surely we'll find a way to make it fun. so I didn't bother trying to argue about it.

Wednesday 4:43am
It's your fault. You did this. Your mother is the one having to suffer... she's innocent. You ran, you ran away from your problems. You know yourself that she's falsely accused.

It's so hard, dealing with these nightmares, they are regular occurrences... and they won't stop. I had been crying for about ten minutes, just letting all of my emotions out. I wipe my eyes as I look around the room, the walkie caught my eye. Surely neither of them would be up now, right? I take my chance and pick it up. "Is anyone awake," i sniffle. Moments went by with no response. I repeat myself, but added an hello at the end. Just as I was about to give up. "Y/n? What are you doing awake at this time? Are you okay?" It was Sal. "I just- had a nightmare," I stumbled on my words, I was also slightly embarrassed having to admit it. But he quickly reassured me. "Don't worry y/n, I have them too, it will be okay, maybe take a glass of water before trying to get back to sleep," his voice was so calming. He sounded more clear than usual - I'm assuming he had his mask off . "Okay, thank you Sal, it means a lot," I smile to myself. "Of course, if you need anything, I'm here, goodnight y/n," "goodnight,"

I did as he said, took a glass of water to my room, placed it beside my somewhat bed and calmed myself down. The water actually did help, I'll keep that in mind.

Wednesday 12:42am
My eyes barely opened before I quickly sealed them shut again, shielding myself from the brightness in my room. As I got up, I remembered last night. Sal helped a lot in that situation and I don't know what I would of done without him. I've never had anyone to talk to about my nightmares, and it made it easier that last night I did. "Y/n you better be up, we are on our way to spice up your apartment!" Larry booms through the small box on my floor. Nearly minutes later I heard knocking at my door.

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