Diagnosed // 4

46 4 4

Saturday 1:21pm
Sals POV:
I was sat in my room, debating whether I should actually look at the paper. I stole it yesterday and still haven't managed to get the courage to open it up. I guess I'm just scared of what I may see. Come on Sal, what's the worst it could be?

Gradually I began to unfold the page. As soon as it was open I recognised what it was. Doctors would give my dad the same types of sheets after I had the accident... Anyway, my eyes scanned through the words. 'Y/n is diagnosed with Monoamine oxidase A, also known as MAO-A'? I don't have a clue what that is. I continue to read. 'She may experience behavioural problems such as aggressive and violent outbursts-' this can't be right, y/n has never shown any sort of violent behaviour... she's one of the nicest people I've ever met. I finish reading the entire page in complete confusion and disbelief. Without thinking I grab my laptop and began typing.

Surely not...

Larry's POV:
"Fuck," i accidentally drop the brush I had in my hand, it left a big red splatter on the floor. Suddenly my door bursts open. "Sal?" He seemed shocked, and maybe even scared. "Larry, y/n is not telling us something, I feel like something has happened and she is scared to tell us-" he begins to waffle on. "Dude, calm down, what's going on," I put my paint brush at the bottom of the easel before spinning in my chair. "Look," Sal hands me a piece of paper. I skim it not having a clue what it was. "She was diagnosed with MAO-A a few years ago," he points to a paragraph. "So? What's that?" I ask. "It's- it's sometimes known as the serial killer gene..." he takes a deep breath.

"What- w-why wouldn't she tell us?" I stumble. "Because something had to of happened, it all adds up, you asked her yesterday what brought her to Addison apartments, and what did she do?" Sal starts. "She got really emotional and left, when I went to her apartment something was definitely wrong, she sounded scared and wouldn't let me in, and when I eventually got through to her room, she was stood next to that piece of paper stuffed into a drawer," he continues.

"What do we do man?" I question.

Falsely accused // Sally Face x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now