Back home Pt.1

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Everyone stopped. Shikamaru truly regretted not bringing a medical ninja like Sakura but in truth no one was able and they were on a strict schedule. He ran several thoughts and plans in his head on how to get Naruto to Konoha as quickly as possible.

"Neji can't you pass through some of your chakra into Naruto?" Shikamaru asked calmly but Neji shook his head.

"Not with the chakra I have now. I also have no idea how Naruto's body could take my Chakra, his is unique I could end up making it worse."

"How far away are we then?!" Shikamaru shouted over to him. Neji activated his byakugan and saw the next few miles until he could see the main entrance of Konoha with the massive wooden doors that had the Japanese characters 'a' and 'n'. 

"About 5 miles North East!" Neji said but before he undid his byakugan he looked over to see the Naruto on Sasuke's back and saw his blue, bright and pure chakra flickering and beginning to fade away. "I don't know how long Naruto has either. He going quickly."

"10 minutes...could we really make it in 10 minutes?..." Shikamaru whispered and looked over at Choji intensely. He looked around side to side as if Shikamaru was looking at someone else, Choji wasn't looked too happy.

"We're stopping. Choji, get ready. Neji, I need your byakugan again sorry. I need to get ready too" Shikamaru was rushing around dropping down from the trees immediately and everyone followed. Choji used his expansion justu and expanded his whole body till his upper half was well above the trees, Neji beside Choji down on the ground preparing his byakugan while Shikamaru was busy using his shadow strangles justu to wrap both Sasuke and Naruto ready for launch. 

"Choji, can you see Konoha from here?!" After Shikamaru successfully received a thumbs up from Choji, Shikamaru tripped on a large tree root, and had unintentionally, tightened his justu at that very moment making Sasuke and Naruto get squished together suddenly. When Shikamaru recovered himself he apologised quickly to the both of them but as soon as he turned around Naruto and Sasuke's lips were smacked together like a sealed envelope. When Sasuke gave Shikamaru a unique death glare with killer intent as well as a large shade of crimson red all over his face, he noticed he hadn't loosened his justu. He had horror written all over his face.

"um sorry," Shikamaru said quickly 

"Don't make me kill you, just get on with it already" Sasuke whispered to him coldly, he looked in front of him to meet Naruto's face but got too embarrassed and averted his eyes. Shikamaru signalled Choji to take both of the genin inwrapped in his shadows in his large hand. Choji could barely see the village, it was tiny like a pebble from his point of view, it may have been 5 miles but it was 5 miles full of woods. He had to take caution not to aim too far down and crash them or to aim too high and overshoot into the village and well...crash them.

"Neji you ready?" Shikamaru asked to which Neji nodded his head in reply.

"Where to Neji?" Choji asked closing one eye and putting his arms in a shot put position as if to get a more accurate aim.

"More to the left!.... Stop! A little to right....there!" Neji had finally navigated Choji and Shikamaru explained how his justu will release after about a mile. He would try to keep them both as close as possible until they reach the village.

"Ready? On three guys... " Shikamaru said "One" Choji pulled his arms back

"Two" Shikamaru tightened his justu and so Sasuke held onto what he could of Naruto's clothing to make sure he stayed close to him.......' not in that kind of way idiot' Sasuke thought to himself. 

"One!" Choji launched Naruto and Sasuke towards the village that practically looked either a century away or a very tiny grain of sand. Shikamaru also scrapped whatever Chakra he had left to keep his shadow intact for as long as he possibly could.

Sasuke's hair was flying violently as the deafening wind blew past him and the only thoughts that filled his mind was the closeness of Naruto's pale face against his chest and the village of what may or may not have been his home town slowly coming into view. Sasuke began to recall his brief conversation with Shikamaru before he had been tied up. 


"Hey Sasuke could I speak with you a second, it's quick" Shikamaru had walked over to him as he was gently placing the still unconscious Naruto on the ground to take a short break.

"Sure," Sasuke said and they walked a bit away from Naruto to give them some privacy.

"Look I don't know how much I trust you but for some reason, I want to believe you won't turn your back on us now which is why you are the one taking Naruto to the Fifth Hokage. Consider it a compliment."

"I don't want any trouble. Naruto made me realize that."

"How do you mean? I mean you kind of just had a bit of a change of heart, so suddenly?"

"He....came through while you were out."

Shikamaru was a little shook.

"He talked to me. Naruto. He apologised, he told me constantly how much he regretted not bringing me back when he found me. He told me how much of a bond he had made with me and......honestly.....I felt the same. We talked for a bit however before I could say anything back he reverted back."

Shikamaru stayed silent for a few seconds and lowered his head slightly just avoiding eye contact but seemed to have a small grin hidden by his mask of status.

"When you get back to the village keep your head low, carry back Naruto on your back around the village walls until you're near enough to the Hokage's office. Go through the back and try going to her window it's risky but the ANBU probably are protecting the main entrance. Take this" Shikamaru handed him over the 10-inch thick uzumaki sealing scroll "and explain that Naruto needs to be in emergency care immediately. Just... don't mess this up ok? Not now at least."

Sasuke was now back in the present and was very close to the village but Shikamaru's Shadow strangle justu was now gone and he could feel that they were heading slightly off track. Sasuke pulled Naruto's head and body closer to him making sure they didn't get separated and was now basically wrapping his arms around him.

"We're going to get you home Naruto."

Heeloo Hello my cups of tea, how is everyone? oh me? I'm great! love being up at 0000 hours writing and watching physiological thrillers to inspire me but also getting creeped out at the same time! :) 

I'm peachy!

BUT I do hope everyone is enjoying this story so far and I apologise if it's a bit short its week but we are only 3 chapter away!!! Could you believe it!! This story will finally have closure and I am once again so happy to be writing it. Once again feedback and comments are always welcome I'll see you all in 2 weeks time!! bye-bye

"Life has a funny way of teaching us,

It will create a deep sadness so we know how to truly understand happiness

It will create chaos in our lives so we appreciate the peaceful times

and it will take those we love away from us so that we will truly understand what their presence meant to us."

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