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"Mom,I've got a date tomorrow. She is super sweet and got those straight and also curly blond hair. Her eyes are green and she dresses like the opposite of someone who would visit the same library's as me, but she asked me out. She actually asked me out and I can't really describe why but I feel attracted to her and I am really looking forward for tonight. She picked the restuarant. I will write you soon again. Love,Spencer."

"You are lookin' sharp kid." Morgan said putting a hand on Reid's shoulder who looked at him with a wide smile on his face. He had asked Morgan to come home with him before the date to help him find something. They settled on an all black outfit but with a dark purple vest. "Man I wish I could take you out myself tonight." He continued enjoying how it make Spencer giggle. "This date ain't appreciating that body of yours you coming to me."

"You think she will- you know-" Uncomfortable Spencer looks down and Morgan understood.

"It's the first date. I doubt it except it was her plan all along."

"What do I- you know- what do I say?"

"What you want. And promise me you say no if you don't want it. You don't have to do anything." Morgan stepped closer now placing both hands on Spencer's arm. "I know you are people pleaser but don't do anything that you don't want. You hear me?"

"Yeah. I won't."

"Good. Now get your ass out of here you don't wanna keep her waiting." Nervously Spencer stumbled through his apartment taking his keys, wallet and phone.

"You- you are not coming?"

"You don't want me to wait here?"

"No,no its fine go home."

"Alright. Call me if you need anything or someone to safe you."

"I will." With that he was out of his apartment leaving Morgan alone. The man stole one last cookie before also leaving the building. He wasn't sure why he was so worried about Reid having a date but he seemed happy and as long as that feeling stays everything is fine.

"How did it go?" Emily asks as Spencer steps into the bullpen the next morning.

"It was great!"


"Yeah! We went to this old restuarant with book literally everywhere and we had this super delicious soup and pizza and ice cream and it was just the best dinner I've ever had." Spencer tells them while gesturing with his hand and having a proud smile on his face. "And the best part is we will check out this other restuarant tonight."

"Wow kid two dates in a row? Isn't that- you know- isn't that a little bit to much?"

"Why?" Sceptical Spencer looks at Morgan. "Is there a don't go on dates two days in a row rule in society? Did I miss something?"

"No it's just- you know- a new person and you and socializing is normally something that exhausts you-"

"That's the thing!I am not exhausted. She was so kind and friendly I am not." Morgan raises an eyebrow at that. It normally doesn't matter who he is with, he will need some time to be alone.

"Then let's hope we don't have a case." They didn't and soon enough Reid was sitting across the women again, who was wearing a necklace with a dark but see through green stone.

"So how was your work day?"

"It was pretty boring actually. Emily and I went down to the file room for hours to find the right one but didn't. How about yours?" Spencer had found out yesterday that she works at a laboratory perfecting glue.

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