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"Dear mom, this morning Lola send flowers to my office. They were colorful and Garcia absolutely loved them. I did too [...] Love, Spencer."

"Didn't know you had a girlfriend." Rossi says eyeing the flowers.

"Well I do."

"Who is it?"

"Her name is Lola and she works in a laboratory. Not something life changing but she is experimenting for new glues."

"The Lola?" Morgan asks. It's been 6 months since the incident at the restuarant and five since the one in Spencer's apartment.


"What about her?" JJ asks.

"What about her?" Morgan asks furious. "How can you keep going out with someone like that?"

"I really like her. It was just that she was overwhelmed with what happened at that restuarant she got educated and now she knows how to handle it." She doesn't. Everytime something like this happens she yells, she touches him, she hits him.

"There is nothing to get overwhelmed. Every reaction would have been better than hers."

"Not everyone is a profiler Morgan and knows how to handle stuff like this." Spencer gives back.

"It doesn't take a profiler to know what to do its basic human decency."

"No it isn't."

"Both of you. Stop." Rossi interferes. "If she makes you happy, I am happy."

"Thank you."

They get to meet her at a dinner at Rossi's. Will was joining and so Rossi offered Spencer to bring her too and needless to say she wasn't what they all expected. Eventhough she was dressed in a black dress and high heels she still had her nose and eyebrow pierced and was wearing that dark pink lipstick while they were a few green streaks in her hair. "So Lola tell us how you too met." Rossi asks with a kind smile while JJ was looking at her like she was about to kill her while Will had a comforting hand on his wife's tigh trying to stop her from doing it. She just knew something was wrong about her. Emily and Hotch were open to learn about her while Morgan was glaring at Reid and her, sitting directly next to JJ and not hiding is disapproval.

"We met at a library. Spencer was picking out books from the same section as I was looking at and I asked him what he thought about the book I was about to choose."

"I am sure he had an answer."

"Well it was your book so he sure had." She tells Rossi with a smile.

"I can't believe it. The kids getting laid because he used his connection to me." Rossi jokes causing a few chuckles. "Then here comes my most important question for the night:Did you like it?"

"Spencer in bed or the book?" Lola jokes, also gaining a few smiles around the table expect for JJ, Morgan and Will who was fearing for his own life at this point. "The book was fantastic."

"Somebody get this lady another glass of wine." Rossi announces making JJ hand over the bottle and filling Lola's glass up again. "I am sorry you don't get to meet Garcia tonight."


"She is another member of the team." Hotch tells her. "I am sure you would like her."

"Spencer never mentioned a Garcia." She looks at him with a smile he knew meant trouble. "She works with the team a lot?" Her hands grabs his thigh.

"She is on the team." JJ answers.

"Oh interesting." Her hands tighten around him. Her nails burying through his suit pants into his skin. "What does she do? Is she also a profiler?"

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