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It didn't make things easier for Morgan to figure out a plan when he realized Spencer wouldn't talk to him.

The man is sitting in a chair on the plane still reading, a blanket laid over his pulled up legs.

"Just listen for a second okay?" Reid looks up from his book which was a sign for Morgan to continue. "Is there a chance she is in your apartment?" A shake of the head. "Do you want to go back there or come with me to my house?" Without answering Reid looks back down on the book. "Kid please. Your apartment?" Again he shakes his head. "Are you okay with staying with me?" A nod. "If you prefer someone else that's okay too."

Hotch and Derek go to his apartment that afternoon.

Reid is sleeping at Morgan's while Rossi was keeping him company downstairs in case he needed someone.

The dark rooms are in a state Morgan had never seen them before and while Hotch doesn't see anything wrong with it, since he never was in here, Morgan does.

It is clean, almost neatly. It isn't like Spencer likes it. Sure there is some kind of order in the way he likes it but it doesn't look like order to someone else.

"You see that?" Hotch points at the frames on the bookshelf who are placed face down the same goes for the one on the small table directly next to the entrance. Morgan picks it up it is a picture of the team. They aren't exactly sure what to find in here, Morgan is just stepping by and picking up some clothes for Reid and Hotch had announced to come with him.
The last thing he needs is one of his agents killing a women in one of his other agents apartments. But there was no movement and they had cleared the place quickly.

The next thing that hurts Morgan was that the small night lights that were placed in at least every room ones, pulled out of the socket not lighting anymore.

The same goes for the lamp in his living room that is regulated by time and was suppose to light now.

It was suppose to prevent Spencer from standing in his apartment in the dark and starting to panic. Gideon had installed these with him.

"She sure as hell left a message." Hotch points at the mirror in the bathroom where a lipstick in form of lips can be seen in the corner.

Her stuff is in there too. Hair bands, toothbrush, parfum all placed on the sink while Spencer's stuff is hidden behind the mirror that is also a shelf.

Hotch opens it and checks for any hidden things.

He knows Spencer isn't using again but what if he was waiting on doing so. Or even better what if she was.

He wondered what that girl had that got her so deeply into his head.

He smiles a little bit when he saw that Spencer uses the same toothpaste as Jack and then closes the mirror again.

What he would do if he would stand in Jack's apartment after finding out something like this he doesn't want to imagine.

"Morgan were did he keep his dilaudid?"

"What?" Morgan hadn't heard that word in a long time. No one is talking about it especially because that wasn't their best moment. "You think-"

"No but maybe she."

"Sock drawer,kitchen behind the pots and behind this one german book. I can't tell you the title but I know what it looks like." Morgan kept packing up some clothes for the next few days and then checks the sock drawer and bookshelf for drugs but doesn't find any but then notices the little package stuffed between two books.

He looks at Hotch for a moment who is in the kitchen checking the shelf before pulling it out and feeling the relive when he sees that it is just marijuana.

It still could get him fired but if they now started to lie to each other again, this won't work. "Hotch." The man comes towards Morgan taking the small plastic bag and then shoving it in his pocket.

"That is practically nothing."

"He wouldn't do that."

"I know. I am just saying that we didn't find any drugs in here." He repeats with a tone that was clearly and order.

"Fine with me."

Rossi is not even really watching the game when Reid comes down the stairs. "You wanna join me kid?"

"Sure." Spencer gets comfortable in the big armchair curling himself entirely on it and placing his head on the side of it, looking at the TV. There are quiet for some time till he asks a question. "How do you break up with someone? I don't wanna make her sad."

"You what?"

"People always make break ups sound so sad I don't want that for her."

"Are you being serious right now?" Rossi's tone accusing tone makes Reid sit up.

"I just- I- I am sorry." Anxious he makes himself as small as possible as Rossi stands up walking towards him. "I am sorry,I am sorry."

"Kid- look at me."

"I am sorry I will to anything. I am sorry-""

"I am not making you do anything, it's okay, look at me." Scared he looks up to Rossi. "Its alright, you are safe."

"I don't want to please you. Please."

"Kid, no hey. I am sorry I sounded mad that wasn't my intention." He crouches down making himself smaller than Reid to look less threatened. "Its okay."

"You are not gonna do anything right?"

"No. I will just sit here." Spencer nods and eventually turns  his attention back to the screen. Following the game. "Is it okay if I get back up? You know the age doesn't make my bones better."

"Yes." Rossi gets up and picks a blanket to drape over Reid and gets back to his seat.

When Morgan and Hotch come back and bring dinner and everyone is seated around the small table in the living room. Reid still cuddled up in the chair and Morgan sitting opposite of him. Reid is eating his noodles in silence while the others commented on the game. And when Reid was finishes, Morgan gets reminded of something when he sees him cuddling himself back in.

He goes over to the box he had packed at Reid's apartment and takes the old lion stuff animal out of it. It doesn't really have the anatomy of a lion and is already very thin but Morgan knew that it is Spencer's stuff animal ever since he was a child and was surprised to find it abandoned by his dress shirts. "I got you something."

Surprised Spencer looks at the Lion in Morgan's hand but doesn't take it. "I thought this might spend you a little comfort." Spencer rarely takes it with him when he is on cases but Morgan had him seen sleeping with it in his apartment, before Lola it was always placed in his bed and if he spents some time here he might as well be comfortable. "You want me to put it back?"

"Can I have him?"

"It is yours. It is from your drawer."

"I know but can I have him?" Spencer asks having his hands near the lion but not touching it.

"Why not?"

"Because it is childish. I am not supposed to be childish."

"It is not childish." Hotch says. "I still have my stuff animal. Its sitting on my nightstand. " Spencer is still looking at Morgan waiting for approval.

"Why was it in the drawer?"

"Because I am to old for this." Spencer says biting down on his lip.

"You think so too?"

"I don't know."

"Good. Because this has nothing to do with age." Morgan lowers the lion down in Reid's hand who immediately takes it cuddling himself down on the rest of the chair and buring his nose in the stuff animal. It luckily hasn't lose its scent.

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