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Morgan watches Reid closely over the next days and if he notices one thing than that he is scared of Emily and JJ who try their best to change that. Speaking to him in the kindest tone, trying to make conversation and offering help the minute he seems like he needs it but it doesn't change his behaviour.

"Spence you wanna join us for coffee?" Emily asks as she stands in the doorway. They are working a case in Texas.


"C'mon you need a break, pretty boy."

"No I don't."

"Well I need one." Morgan announces putting down his file. "I will join you two. And you should join too."

"You will come with us?"

"That's what I just said."

"And stay?"

"And stay." Hesitating Spencer gets up and follows them down the street to the small coffee shop where they sit down in one of the booths and wait for their coffee and cakes as they fall in an uncomfortable silence.

JJ as well as Emily had run out of meaningless small talk and Morgan is not really motivated to lift the silence since this is his break too after all and a moment to clear his head is something he deeply appreciates.

"Spencer I want you to know that I would never intentionally hurt you nor ask you to do anything she did." Emily speaks up a day later when they are sitting in a car driving back to the station.

"I know."

"Do you?"


"It's okay that you are scared and I know that telling you that you don't have to around me or JJ is not going to make you stop being scared but you have to know that we don't judge you for it. Its okay to take your time." She says driving up to the station whete he leaves the car without any answer and is back to being glued to Morgans side. A thing she noticed while working this case. He would try to stay as close to him as possible, like everything else in the world was the bad and Morgan was the only one that could protect him from that.

And she understood that more and more when Reid had fallen asleep on the Jet, a book still in his hand and not long after started whimpering. Morgan crouches down next to the couch shaking him carefully and immediately removing his hands as Spencer wakes up.

"You okay?" Scared Reid shakes his head sitting up. "You want to talk about it?" While he asks that he sits down on the couch near Spencer's feet. "You don't have to. C'mon lay back down that wasn't enough sleep." She watches Reid following his orders while Morgan grabs the book Spencer was reading.

"Which page were you on?" Spencer opens it, handing the book back and Morgan starts reading out loud making him fall back asleep in a matter of minutes and not stopping till he was absolutely sure his voice isn't heard by him anymore but even then not moving from his spot and just watching over him.

"Alright let's start working on the paperwork I want it done by tomorrow." Hotch orders as they stand in the elevator.

He had taken Reid aside a few minute ago telling him he can take more time doing things like this if he needs too and that he wouldn't be mad but who was he kidding if the kid works half as fast on his paperwork than he normally does he is still faster than Morgan.

"This will be an all nighter I can sense it." JJ sighs.

"Garcia better has the coffee ready." Emily comments and they get out of the elevator and walk into the bullpen where a women is standing at Spencer's desk looking up the minute she hears the voices.

"What is she doing here?" Hotch asks Reid who immediately flinches back from him.

"I don't know."

"You've got some nerve." JJ spoke up first walking towards her. "Showing up here, with that smile on your face."

"I am just here to talk to Spencer."

"Well I am sorry. But this is not gonna happen." Morgan could feel Reid grabbing his sleeve while hiding half behind him, half looking at the two women.

"This is not your decision to make,Jennifer."

"Well you are standing in our office so it is. Let me show you out, Lola." JJ grabs her by the arm but Lola tried to pull back. "Oh no I am not letting go."

"You better."

"Move." With strength she pulls the women up from the desk. "Now dug your head pretty one and follow me out."

"I am not letting you push me around." With one grib she turns Lola around slamming her on the table and twisting her arm behind her back.

"Is this what you did to him? Is this what you needed to get off? Is this it huh?" She yells. "You like that?" She slams her face against the table ones more. "Does that feel good for you? You think that's what love feels like?"

"You have no idea."

Again JJ picks her up a few inches over the desk. "Because I don't rape my boyfriend?"

"Are you serious? Look at me how am I suppose to rape an FBI Agent?" In anger JJ slams her down ones again, hearing her nose crack. "You fucking bitch."

"What is it what you said? You have no idea." Again she went to hurt her when Hotch stepped in separating them and JJ looks down on the women, blood dripping from her face on Reid's desk while starting to push herself upright again.

"She is insane." Hotch doesn't say a thing just looks down on her while JJ still looks like she might kill her any second. "Whatever he told you isn't true."

"I think it would be safer for you to stop talking now." Hotch shuts her down. "I think you want to leave this office now and ignore what happened here."

"She-she broke my nose!"

"Be glad it was just the nose-" JJ is interrupted by Hotch again.

"You want to report it, I will take your statement or lead you to someone you are more comfortable with but the minute you do that, someone is also going to take Reid's statement and I don't think people will care much about your broken nose afterwards." Defeated she walks past them towards the rest of the team passing them before Reid let's go of Morgan and follows her.

"Wait! Lola wait."

"I told you she was insane look what she did."

"I am sorry. I am so sorry." Insecure he reaches up and then backs away shortly before touching her cheek. "I am sorry."

"You don't call,you don't text and now this? I hope you know it's over."

"Yes- yes- I know- I-"

"Then back off. And keep your lies to yourself before you ruin my life with them and let me be clear I am not scared of you or your team."

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