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"I just don't know how I didn't see it." JJ says lying in the arms of Will that evening. "He is so pure and filled with good intentions, how can someone live with themselves knowing they took advantage of that?" Comforting Will plays with her hair. "And he was- he was so careful around me all of the sudden you remember when I told you that I wanted to greet him and he moved back and I- I just let it slide because he is Spencer I thought and then I- I yelled at him later that day for something work related and then he- he apologized as quickly as one can and I told you how uncommon that is for him and- and I should have seen that. Instead I never talked to him about it again."

"You can't blame yourself for this."

"But I could have stepped in sooner. He was going out with her for more than six months."

"Six months isn't really long you know." Rossi says standing next to Morgan in the kitchen.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I am saying that six months is quite some time but he will recover."

"Rossi I don't think you got the message. He was raped. It doesn't matter how long the rape took place it is something that will eat you up never the less. And we don't know how often that happened." Morgan spoke in a strong tone but not yelling, Spencer had just fallen asleep in the next room but it was loud enough for Hotch to join them in the kitchen.

"Its not really possible to-"

"You finish that sentence you die in this kitchen." Morgan glared.

"Its been a long day. Maybe let's leave it." Hotch tries to calm the situation. "Morgan, take good care of him and write me if you need anything. You two don't have to come in to work tomorrow but if he wants to and you think its manageable don't stop him." Still battling his anger Morgan just nods and is relived when the two men disappear out of his sight.

He watches Hotch yelling at Rossi throughout the window but can't make out the words, he is way to tired for this and walks back into the living room, laying down on the couch not wanting to leave Reid alone in there.

Emily meanwhile is driving through the city till she finds the apartment complex she was looking for but never leaves her car that evening.

If she did a women would have died that night and it sure as hell wouldn't have been her.

"Fresh scrambled eggs and Toast for the Dr. coming up." Morgan announces with a wide smile before placing two plates next to the already standing coffee cups on the kitchen table and sitting down across from Reid.

"Thank you for making breakfast."

"Not a problem. What if we take the day or more of off work?"


"Because if you need to you can take all the time you want."

"I don't need time. I need to go to work." Tempered Spencer slams his fork down on the side of the plate.

"I am not forbidding you anything here I was just asking and telling you that you could take the day off if you wanted too." Morgan curses himself for not noticing sooner how much more aggressive Reid was over the last weeks.

His aggressiveness was always something that has been there but always something manageable if you know that he doesn't mean bad with it but it had gotten more and appeared over the smallest things. "You understand me?"

"Yes. I want to go to work."

"We will."


"I've made you this breakfast and you are not gonna eat it?" Morgan asks in a playful tone.

"I am not. I will go wait in the car." Spencer gets up from his chair heading for the steps to get his things from upstairs.

"Spencer I will drive you to work. I promise just sit down and eat with me will you?"


"Why not?"

"I am not hungry."

"Okay then get you things we leave in 10 minutes." He had lost his appetite too by now. Changing quickly in something more formal and following Reid to the car.

"I think we should talk."

"Aaron?" Surprised Rossi looks at the man standing on his doorstep. "What are you doing here? You don't get enough of my face when we work together all day you also need to catch me at breakfast?"

"The fact that you are still eating breakfast while the majority of us is already working should be reason enough for you."

"Come in." They have been friends for many years it's not like Hotch hasn't been at his house before. "You want some coffee?"


"So what do you want to talk about then?" Rossi asks as they sit down at the large kitchen table.

"Last night."

"About Reid?"

"About what you said. What's going on with you? You know very well that Reid wouldn't lie about something like this."

"I didn't say he lied."


"I just- I am sorry okay." He looks down at his mug, tapping his ring against it ones before looking back up but not at Hotch. "I know that what he said most likely happened but I just don't want it to be true."

"We all don't, but going around and saying stuff like that won't make the problem go awake. And especially not to Morgan's face. I don't think he was lying when he said that yesterday."

"Kid doesn't have the balls."

"Oh he has because he has the love for Reid and will do whatever is best for him." He pauses. "This is probably not something that we can just put in the back of our minds and forget about. Reid is not predictable when it comes to handling things like this and I want to know if you can get your act together and be a help and if not nobody will be judging you but then tell me."

"And then you gonna do what? Tell him not to come to me with this?"


"I will always be there for the kid you know that."

"I do. I just thought you maybe needed a reminder."

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