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"Dear mom, Lola and I broke up [...] Love,Spencer."

It took Spencer a few days to catch up with him what was happening and then it did and Morgan was holding the frightened man he had hoped to never hold like this again after the Hankel incident. "We are gonna fly home tomorrow and then we will handle everything. You won't have to do a thing if you don't want to."

"I don't want to see her again."

"You won't have too."

"I don't wanna press charges I just want to be done with it."

"Hotch didn't file anything it was just a suggestion. Nothing has been done yet." Hotch had suggested earlier to press charges when they are back in Washington after Morgan had told the others what had happened with Reid's permission. "You are safe. I've got you."

"She was so nice."

"I know." Morgan moves his head down buring his nose in the mans curls. They are laying on the small hotel bed, Reid hanging on to Morgan and sobbing till there was nothing left and he eventually calmed down enough for Morgan to move them into a sleeping position.

Morgan himself would lie if he says he got any sleep. His head was running a mile per minute, trying to keep his anger at the minimum while Spencer lays on his arm drooling on his skin.

He had always been so vulnerable how had Morgan not notice that he was still seeing her?

He turns around again, pressing himself against Spencer and stopping him from biting down to hard on his own fingers while sleeping. A habit of nervousness Reid has and then placing his free arm around him just holding him close till their alarm rings and Spencer is thrown back into his life again.

Spencer follows his morning routine strictly while Morgan packs up their bags and enters the bathroom after Reid.

He signals him pretty quickly that he needs time for himself before Morgan watches him put in his ear buds and sitting at the very last end of the table next to Morgan.

There was no doubt that the teams work on this case had been slower than usual. Everything went as gladly as it can when you hunt down serial killer but they could have been faster but that was not on anybody's mind right now.

JJ blames herself for not realizing that Reid was dating.

Rossi and Hotch did the same but more in the fatherly kind of way.

Reid hadn't even trusted them enough to tell them he was dating at all till the flowers arrived at the office and Emily was overwhelmed by guilt over speaking up at the dinner about the charges whenever she sees his face.

Not to mention Garcia who was worried sick.

Morgan kindly offers Reid a toast with some cream cheese but the man declines looking down on his book.

He tends to start reading this intensively when he wants to push back thinking about things and right now the team is more than okay with it. They don't need to discuss this at breakfast.

"You want something kid? I am getting a new coffee anyway." Rossi asks.

"Earbuds." Morgan excuses him. They aren't entirely noise cancelling if Reid would focus he would probably hear Rossi. Morgan raises his hand to tug a curl behind Spencer's hair and immediately drops it again when Spencer flinches taking out one earbud. "I am sorry." Offended he looks at Morgan moving his chair a little bit more to the side. "This was not my intention." He doesn't get an answer just Reid putting the earbud back in and going back to reading.

"I will be right back." JJ says walking straight to the bathroom.

"I'll go check on her." Emily follows her knowing JJ would need all the comfort she could get right now. She loves him with every peace of her heart since the moment she saw him the first time. Platonically of course. But he warmed his way in there with that big smile and the hair that would never stick behind his ears and this tons of questions while she showed him the building on his first day.

Hotch had lost his appetite now too and Rossi the need for another coffee.

"It will be alright." Morgan says looking at Reid who is lost in his world. "We will get him through this."

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