5. where it all begins

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"You return like autumn and i fall every time"


What's gonna happen next...who knows?

We decide and prepare our next step with full expectations but what if it doesn't go as its planned.

We worry about tomorrow like its promised.

Jimin may have indirectly said that he would make the playboy pay back but he himself wasn't sure what step would he take next so that it could have an impact.

"Hyung again what were the name of his friends?",Jimin asked Yoongi after a moment of thinking.

"Jung Hoseok and Jeon Jeongguk"

Jimin hummed whislt nodding his head.

"Why do you ask?"

"Just for spite",Jimin shrugged.

After talking some more and making sure that the younger was fine Yoongi finally got up and decided that it was time to leave.

"It's late now I'll get going",he stood up and patted jimin's head "take care"

"I will",Jimin said and smiled up at the older.

Before checking if he haven't forgotten his phone and the bike keys Yoongi headed towards the door.

"Hyung?",Jimin suddenly stopped the older.


"Namjoon Hyung must be free by now right?"

"Ah yeah i think so, he got detained to stay back for an hour after his classes"

"Okay I'll talk to him then",Jimin sighed.

"Uh yeah"Yoongi paused for a moment,"and Jimin-ah i hope you are not planning anything stupid?"

The younger furrowed, "Can you please just leave already?"

"Yeah yeah goodbye",Yoongi snorted and closed the door after he left.

When Yoongi was gone Jimin sat in his bed for about an hour, thinking what possibly could be done to get back at Taehyung. He nervously chewed his bottom lip and thought twice before what he was about to do, ofcourse it was risky because it involved his hyung but he wanted to give it a try.

He stirred up a little in order to reach the night stand where he had kept his phone and sighed

I should just text him

He unlocked the phone, opened his inbox and clicked on namjoon's profile.


hyung i heard

Joonie hyung
ah jimin you don't need to worry I'm totally fine

but then also you shouldn't have messed up with them

Joonie hyung
yeah kid i know

Joonie hyung
but what's done is done i can't reverse it right?


Joonie hyung
jimin-ah look its me who did it so you don't need to be upset and overall I'm dissapointed bcuz i really should've punched that asshole if i knew i was going to be detained anyway

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