7. amid the feelings

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"i still taste the past"



A knock was heard on the bedroom door with soft murmurs of his name being called out repeatedly.

Jimin shifted a little and rubbed his eyes a usual habit of his he did to get rid of the puffiness under them, removing his comforter off he got up to open the bedroom door.

The sound of the door clicking open was heard by the person on the other side; with a little push they entered and found Jimin already back on his bed, huddled under the comforters.

A small sigh left her mouth as she leaned on the door frame, gazing at her child for a minute she finally made her way towards him

"You are skipping today?"

Jimin shook his head, "no only the morning classes, I'll attend the noon ones"

"Why come?"

"I'm tired, mom"

"You got no sleep last night?"

Of course she knew though the darkness under his eyes was the evidence too but she quite clearly heard the shuffling and shifting from his room the last night, she knows that something has been bothering him for a very long time because the boy has just not been himself and as being her mother she wanted to talk with him about the matter but she was rather afraid because Jimin has always been impassive and reluctant towards sharing his problems with anyone.

Being a single parent is tough, managing the house and her job together then on top of it taking out some time just to spend with your child is always overlooked but his mother no matter what finds the opening, she tries her best to spend as much as time with him and not that Jimin feels neglected at all irrespective he loves and adores his mother for always caring about him because she is the most kind-hearted person he has ever met.

"Ah you heard? But I thought I was being discreet", he mumbled with the hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Min-ah c'mon tell me what's on your mind hm?"

Its true Jimin was impassive but she was his mother and in addition also being his best person he never lied to her.

"I was just caught with the past", his response was simple and honest.

Settling down next to jimin she placed her hand on his shoulders

"And how are you now?" she asked, her thumb gently rubbing the fabric of his shirt in soothing circles.

"I don't know"

During middle school the ridicule Jimin endured and the way it left a stain on his morale was not unseen to her but by the time she found out the whole situation unfortunately the self-doubt had already consumed Jimin. The more children mocked him for his weight the more he started to abstain the urge to eat food, her mother despite being busy used to prepare lunch boxes for him with utmost love hoping her child could enjoy his mealtime but the transparent plastic box would always come home just the way it was, Jimin wouldn't even open the lid of that box. It continued for some days she ignored it thinking maybe he would have eaten somewhere else but when it continued for a whole month she finally found out that her child was going through eating disorders.

As the middle school year ended she decided to help her child aid his self-esteem. If Jimin wanted to lose weight she would help him do that but in a more healthy and mature way, so she did thorough searching and by guiding him to do proper dieting and work out she really made him cope up his spirits.

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