8. no sides

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"every coin has two sides, they say"


Taehyung arrived at the given address and parked the car outside the residence. It was still raining so by the time he reached the front door he was already half-soaked in water, he rang the doorbell and waited patiently.

A woman who seemed to be in her mid 40s opened the door, on seeing a young boy who was drenched in water in front of her doorstep she appeared to be a bit concerned

"Oh I'm sorry do I know you child? Do you need some help?"

Taehyung cleared his throat, "Um Mrs. Kim?"


"My mom talked to you this morning I'm Taehyung"

As if something clicked inside her, she lifted her eyebrows at the realization

"Ah! Taehyungie?"

He chuckled, "Yes"

"Aigoo you've grown so much I didn't even recognize you! The last time I saw you, you were so small"

Feeling a bit embarrassed Taehyung scratched the back of his head.

"Oh no I'm so stupid here you are soaked in water and I'm chit chatting with you outside" she stepped aside from the entrance, "Here! Come inside already"

"No need Auntie I'm just here to give you the car keys-

"Stop talking come inside just look at you it's raining outside you'll catch cold"

And like that Taehyung was unwillingly dragged inside the house. He stepped in awkwardly and turned to his aunt

"Really Auntie it was not necessary"

"Taehyung-ah just make yourself comfortable I'll get you something to drink"


But before he could finish what he was going to say the lady had already walked away, he shook his head and walked to the living room. As he settled on the couch he found his eyes wandering around, at first he saw that the living room was weirdly filled with ceramics they were almost at every corner of the room not only that but some of the ceramic pots were filled with small plants when he lifted his eyes he found that the room which seemed to be covered in ceramics was rather more filled with greenery. Different type's creeper plants covered the walls of the room names of which Taehyung knew none but as a whole everything balanced each other the room did give him fresh and cozy vibes.

"Taehyung-ah here dry out your hair they are still wet", his aunt called out as she passed a dry towel to him.

"Oh thank you"

"So what were you looking at?" she started as she sat in front of him and settled the tray which carried two cups of coffee on the table.

"Um Auntie did you make all of them?" he asked whilst moving his eyes in the direction where every ceramic sat.

"Oh! These pots?"

The boy nodded so that she could continue.

"Haha yeah it's just a hobby, I took those pottery lessons a year ago I know I'm not that good but I like making them"

"No Auntie they all are really pretty", being an art major he didn't lie, all of them really were different and pretty in their own way.

"You flatter me but thank you Taehyung-ah"

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