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synopsis // take a swim!

News headlines were all over the incident at the bridge, which is slightly embarrassing and disappointing to look at. Spiderman takes a swim, as some of them read. Jeongguk isn't even sure what hurt more, his entire body from plunging into a literal river, or the fact that Dr. Octopus was able to weasel out of his grip for yet another time.

"How was your swim?" Jimin pipes when Jeongguk shuts his locker, almost puts the taller into cardiac arrest.

"Shut up." He grumbles, while the other kid snickers next to him. "It wasn't that great."

"What swim?" Another voice, this time Kit's, pops up next to his right. Jeongguk almost jumps in his bones again, before letting out a breath. Maybe he's just extra jumpy today.

"Swim..." He hesitates. "Yeah. I went to a pool."

"Oh." She glances up ahead at the hallways. "With who?"

"Some of my friends." Jeongguk responds vaguely.

"Suzy?" Kit questions. He's not sure why she brought Suzy up out of all people, but he nods regardless.

"Yeah." He agrees. "How...how did you know?"

"Had a feeling." She says dismissively, then leaves the two just as quickly as she came. Her words make zero sense to him, but Jeongguk doesn't pay it as much attention as he usually would considering Dr. Ock is at a much higher priority right now.

"He will do anything to end me, man." Jeongguk continues when Kit is out of earshot. "I had him right there, but he used my clear job of helping people all the time against me."

"Then surprise him." Jimin offers simply. "So he doesn't have time to put other people in danger."

"I don't even know where he lives."

"That's what your..." He imitates Jeongguk's web slinging motion with the according sound effects. "thingies are for right?"

He has a point, unfortunately. Jeongguk nods slowly, not choosing to add in a 'you may be right' just for the sake of keeping Jimin's already big ego in place.

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