best friends

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Lexa's pov

I have been completely, helplessly and utterly in love with my best friend for about a year now.

Let me tell you it was the worst thing in the entire universe. I hated having to pretend it was not big deal when she went out with other guys or girls. I hated that I had been single for a year because I felt like I was cheating on her every time I talked to someone else. I hated that she had no idea of how much I loved her. My heart had been aching for the past year and it was only getting worse and worse.

I wish I had the courage to tell her how I really felt but knowing that she didn't feel the same way, it would only ruin our friendship. This was the last thing I wanted, I cared about her too much to do that. I was just hoping my feelings would eventually disappear, if that was even possible.

No one knew that I was in love with Clarke except Echo. Echo was my closet friend, I didn't even have to tell her about how I felt towards Clarke. She said she could see in my eyes that I was. That scared me so much, I thought maybe other people could tell. They could see how pathetic I really was.

'Look at Lexa, the stupid girl who's in love with her best friend since forever. Funniest part, her best friend has been dating other people during all that time.'

Just hearing those words made my heart break a little more. I knew they were true but they still hurt deeply. I just wish all those feelings would go away. I hated them.

"Lexa you are still coming tonight?" Clarke asked as she sat across me.

"Yeah. What time should I come?" I asked smiling.

"Well... we could just go straight to my house after school." She suggested.

"Okay." I said blushing.

I loved going to her house, it felt like home. My parents were never there, ever since I was ten they started working all the time. I barely saw them once a week. I guess in the beginning it did hurt because I felt like they didn't love me. But now I knew. They didn't.

"I need to go in science but I will see you at lunch babe!" She exclaimed as she quickly left.

'Babe.' This was something Clarke had always called me and let me tell you it didn't help with my feelings. Every time she called me that, my heart fluttered. I was the only person she called that and it made me feel special. She made me feel special.

"Lexa the class has started." Mrs Grey said as I was lost in my thoughts.

I regained my posture and paid attention to the class.

"You good Lex?" Raven asked as she took her book out of her bag.


"Um... yeah I was just thinking about... food?" I said weirdly.

Well done Lexa. Could you have said something more stupid?

"That sounded more like a question." Raven said chuckling.

I didn't even answer her. I felt so dumb.

The class went quickly and it was lunch break.

"You sure you are okay?" Raven asked worryingly one more time.


"Yes. don't worry." I said forcing a smile on my lips.

We walked to the cafeteria and sat at our usual table.

"Mr. Morley is such an ass!" Octavia exclaimed as she sat at the table.

"So is Mrs. Cooper!" Clarke said huffing.

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