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Clarke's pov

"Can you put this one here?" I asked my mom.

I was moving into my dorm room. I got accepted to UCLA in medical school and I was so excited to start the year. Medicine wasn't my first choice, I wanted to go in art but my mom didn't let me. She said it would get me nowhere in life. She was making me follow her steps, she wanted me to be a doctor just like her. I wanted to move out but having no money, college was the best options. My parents were paying for it but they said they wouldn't if I chose art. So here we are now, first day at university with a degree I didn't like.

I was just excited to meet my roommate. My mom wasn't too happy about it because she knew I was bisexual but what were the odds of a hot girl sharing my dorm. Considering my luck in life, not high.

"This was the last box." My mom said emotionally.

Here we go with the dramatic goodbyes.

"I will see you this weekend mom." I said rolling my eyes.

"My baby is officially out of the house." She said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Mom, I am like two hours away it is going to be fine." I said reassuring her.

"I love you." She said she pulled me in a bone crushing hug.

"I love you too mom." I said smiling lightly.

She pulled away and walked toward the door, she gave me one last glance before walking out. I dropped on the bed exhausted.

The door busted open as a brunette walked in. The box she was holding was covering her face. I was about to meet my roommate and I was so stressed.

I heard a grunt as she dropped the box on the ground.

"Hey I am Lexa." She said turning around.

My mouth dropped open in shock.

Thank you universe.

She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her green eyes searched into my soul. Her lips looked so plump and kissable. She had high cheekbones, her face was slim and she had a strong jawline. My eyes wondered lower as I caught a glimpse of her abs. Her tank top was slightly raised which gave me the perfect access. Her thighs weren't too small or big. There was a gap between them. She was built like a greek goddess.

"H- hi." I said still mesmerized.

"I am Clarke." I said trying to compose myself.

"Nice to meet you Clarke." The brunette said shyly.

"Maybe college isn't going to be so bad" I thought.

"Yeah." She said smiling.

"Oh my god. Did I say that out loud?" I asked embarrassed.

"Don't worry it was cute." She said smiling.

Her smile was beautiful.

"I will be back in a minute I just have some other boxes to bring." She said sweetly.

"Let me help you." I said smiling.

Smooth Clark.

"Thank you." She said smiling.

Lexa and I headed downstairs and walked toward her jeep. I took one of her box and started walking back.

"Are you sure it's not too heavy?" She asked worryingly.

"Don't worry I am fine." I said smiling to myself.

We quickly walked up the stairs and placed the boxes on the ground.

"Thanks." She said slightly blushing.

"Of course." I said scanning her beautiful face.

"So what subject are you here for?" She asked sitting on her bed.

Our bed were faced to each other, it's like the room was split in half.

"Med school. What about you?" I asked sitting on my bed.

"Law." She said happily.

"Have you always wanted to be a surgeon?" She asked interested.

"Actually I wanted to be an artist but my parents didn't approve." I said sadly.

I don't know why but I feel like I could trust her.

"Can I see your drawings?" She asked smiling.

"Sure." I said happily.

No one ever cared about my art before.

She stood up and walked over to my bed while I reached into my bag and pulled my sketchbook out. I opened in and showed her a drawing of the beach.

"Wow. You are really good." She said leaning her head over the book.

"Thank you." I said blushing.

She turned the page and it was a drawing of the space. She looked genuinely absorbed by the green planet and it made my heart melt. Now that I think about it, it reminds me of her deep green eyes.

I was starring at her face while she was looking at the book that I was holding in my hands. she quickly glanced up and caught me starring. I turned my face in embarrassment while she blushed.

"You are really talented Clark. I hope you won't stop doing this on the side." She said smiling.

"Thanks Lex." I said closing my sketchbook.

"Do you want to explore the campus?" I asked turning to her side.

"Sure." She said smiling.

We walked out of the room, jogged downstairs and got out of the school.

"Do you want to check out the library?" She asked hopefully.

"Can we look at the art class after?" I asked smiling.

"Of course." She said softly

Lexa and I walked into the room exhausted. It was about nine o-clock. I crashed on my bed letting a groan out.

"Wanna watch a movie?" She asked closing the door.

"I am down." I said smiling.

I sat up on my bed and grabbed m computer. We chose my bed because Lexa didn't have time to make hers, it was still a plain mattress.

She closed the lights and sat next to me. She left about a feet of space between us.

"I don't bite you know." I said laughing.

She blushed and scooted closer. She pulled the blanket over us, the room was freezing.

"The Adam family?" I asked scrolling on Netflix.

"I love this movie!" She said excitedly.

She looked so cute.

I put the movie on and settled on the pillows behind me.

Throughout the movie I felt Lexa's head settling on my shoulder. I got really nervous and my heart started beating faster. I reacted at her sudden move by slowly sliding my arm behind her waist, bringing her slightly closer. My heart was beating so fast and I was scared she would notice.

Five minutes later I noticed a change in Lexa's breathing. She was asleep.

I looked at her face and it was the most adorable sight ever. She looked so peaceful and relaxed. I had only met the brunette today but I already felt a strong connection. I did believe in soulmate and maybe she was mine. Who knows.

A/N: Tell me if you want a part two and don't forget to vote.

Clexa One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora