weakness part 2

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Lexa's pov

Clarke and I had so far been doing a good job at keeping our relationship secret.

I was doing a lot of efforts with opening up and she stood by me the whole time, not pressuring me. I was very happy that I started letting myself love after the conversation we had two weeks ago.

But right now Clarke and I had way bigger problems than that.

"I don't think that Skaikru should be joining as the thirteen clan." Luna said shaking her head.

"Why not?" Clarke asked pushingly.

"Because you are all incompetents and all you've done since you landed here is kill us or cause us trouble." Luna replied through her gritted teeth.

"We saved you from Mount weather and you can't say that you have been very welcoming." Clarke replied with sass.

"Why would we? Your people came crashing down on our land." Luna replied coming closer.

"Silence." I said sternly.

"This alliance could benefit us all." I said in a softer tone.

"How so? I'm pretty sure you mean benefit you." She said cockily.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked as I felt anger burning up in my body.

"That we all know what happened with the first one, you wouldn't want that to happen again. Now would you Heda?" The ambassador from Azgeda said.

"Is this a threat?" I asked coming closer.

"Just a friendly advice." He said smiling smugly.

How dare he talked to me like that.

"Fine then maybe I should also send a friendly advice to the Queen." I said clenching my jaw.

"And what might that b-" He started before I sliced his head off of his body, making the whole room gasp.

"Does anyone else want to give me advices on how to rule my people?" I asked loudly.

They all shook their head no quickly.

"Gustus, bring his head to Nia as a warning." I said before putting the knife back into its place at my waist.

"The meeting is dismissed." I said sharply.

They all bowed before exiting the room.

When the door finally closed I turned around and released a big breath that I didn't know I was holding in.

"Heda." Titus said making me flinch.

"Didn't know you were here Titus." I said rolling my eyes.

"What were they talking about? Are you seeing this Sky girl?" He asked angrily.

"I am not. And even if I was this would be none of your business." I said sending him a glare.

"Remember what I taught you. Love is weakness." He said sternly.

Love is weakness.

"Lex- Heda." Clarke said bursting into the room.

"Clarke. What can I do for you?" I asked grabbing my hands together.

"I'm going to leave but this conversation isn't over." Titus said leaving.

"What was that all about?" Clarke asked confused.

"Nothing." I said shaking my head.

"Are you sure, it's nothing.?" She asked worriedly, laying her hand on my arm.

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