drunk CEO

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Clarke's pov

"Lexa, calm down love." I said soothingly while rubbing her shoulders.

"But I- I- what if it goes wrong? What if they hate me?" She asked rubbing her temple.

"Lexa you're one of the biggest CEO in New York City, even if they don't like you they'll have to pretend they do." I said laughing.

"Clarke! That's not funny." She whined, sitting up.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Of course they will love you, you are amazing baby, that's why I married you." I said smiling softly.

"I thought you married me for my hot body and money." She said smirking slightly.

"Well that too but mostly your beautiful personality." I said still laughing.

"I love you, you always know what to say to make me feel better." She said pecking my lips.

"I love you too." I said cupping her cheeks.

"Now... what do I wear?" She asked grinning.

"You can wear a trash bag and you will still look sexy." I said laying my hands on her ass.

"Come on Clarke, I need help please." She said playing with my hair.

"Alright, fine, I will help." I said rolling my eyes.

"Yay!" She squealed as she ran in the closet.

I loved how everyone knew Lexa as the stone cold, serious CEO and that I knew her as the shy, funny girl who squealed when I tickled her stomach.

"This one?" She asked as she came out of the dressing room.

She came out with a dark blue dress that had a split at the top of her right thigh. The dress hugged her curves perfectly and showed just enough cleavage to stay classy. The dress was in satin and made her skin look soft and delicate, like the material.

"I think we might have to be late because oh my Lexa you look so hot. Gosh I married the sexiest woman alive." I said checking her out.

"Stop you're going to make me blush." She said as her cheeks became pink.

"Turn around." I said grabbing her hand and twirling her around.

"Your ass looks perfect in this babe." I said drooling.

"If you keep up the compliments you might get lucky tonight." She said turning around and biting her lip.

"I want to have you right now and on this desk." I said smugly as I backed her against it.

"You think you can have your way. Don't you miss Woods?" She asked putting her hands on my hips.

"I don't think, I know miss Woods." I said making the space between our body completely disappear.

I started leaning in as Lexa did the same, our lips were almost touching but she had other plans. She started moving her lips back and forth making me whine.

"Tonight." She said smirking before escaping my embrace.

"Lexa! That's not fair!" I pouted.

"Baby we have to get ready." She said before throwing a black dress at me.

"Fine but tonight." I said sternly as I caught the dress.

"I promise." She said giving me a short kiss.

"Another." I said smiling.

"You are such a child." She said giggling as she brought our lips back together.

Clexa One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin