Before You Read

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Hi my loves! So glad you're here! 

Let me start out by saying this is not a part of the Knight Security Series!

I received lots of requests from readers to write a story in first person and this is my first attempt, so be gentle haha. 

Switching writing styles in the middle of a series didn't sound appealing to me, so I am going to try out this new writing style challenge with a new story that I hope you will all enjoy! 

Anyway bear with me as I try this out, sweet friends and as always I love your feedback! 

Here's my usual warning in case things get wild! ;)

***WARNING*** This story contains explicit language, sexual content, grief and depictions of domestic abuse and physical torture. If any of the aforementioned content is triggering or makes you uncomfortable in any way, please do not continue reading. While I am excited to provide a thrilling ride with lots of twists and turns along the way, I want to be upfront with any content that readers may find disturbing.

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