Chapter 90

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Ooooo new storyline yay. This is what would've of happen if Kenma did not tell Konoha that the baby was Kuroo's. This storyline will be very depressing and sad. So this is a warning, leave now, don't blame me if you have to use tissues later on in this storyline. 

Timeskip: 2 weeks later
Kenma's Pov:

I was meeting up with Shoyo before my doctor's appointment. I was eight weeks now and I felt worse than I did before. I couldn't help but feel a bit nauseous. I waited for Shoyo and I saw him. He smiled and waved. I waved and he felt my stomach.

"I have gained weight... but I don't think I have a bump yet."

"Awwww, well are you ready!!"

"Not really."

"Too late, now come on!"

We talked about my pregnancy while we walked to the clinic. When I got there I sighed some papers and Shoyo was staring at the paper. Then we were just waiting in the waiting room. Once my name was called followed the doctor. I had to take a urine sample, a blood sample, and an PAP test. After all the mashup of questions from the doctor it was time. The blood and urine sample results were positive and Shoyo comforted me. The doctor put this cold jelly like stuff on my stomach then started rubbing this wand thing on it.

We looked at the screen and we were able to see the baby. We got a picture of the ultrasound and the doctor gave me medication. She also gave me tips and suggestions about what and what not to do. Once the appointment was over I couldn't stop staring at the ultrasound.

"Well... who do you want to tell first?"

"Huh? Already?"

"Yessss already, you don't want to wait until Konoha realizes you're pregnant."

"You're right..."

"So who first."

"I'll tell Konoha first... if everything goes bad I'll call you to spend the night at your hotel."

"Okay... text me tomorrow if you don't call me okay?"

"Okay... bye Shoyo."

"Bye Kenma."

I walked home and Shoyo walked to his hotel. I hid the ultrasound and made sure I was ready to tell him. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Konoha looked at me from the T.V and he got up. He kissed my forehead and I gulped. I was able to regulate my smell with perfume so it didn't seem off.

"I need to talk to you."

"That sounds way to serious than I would like it to,"


"Oh okay,"

He turned off the T.V and I gulped again. He to started rub my cheek and I took his hand off. He looked at me confused and scared.

"Kenma... what happened?"

"I'm pregnant."

"P-pregnant... you said you were on the p-pill."

"I lied... sorry."

"Kenma we haven't even talked about children yet. I don't want fucking children."

I was surprised by the fact he was angry already. His hostile attitude made me feel a little bit pissed off and I sighed. He had his hand on his chin and looked at me.

"How many weeks are you."

I gulped. I couldn't say 8 weeks. I had to lie.

"7 weeks..."

"And you didn't fucking tell me...!"

"Stop yelling."

"You're right sorry... I just I don't want a child."

"... I knew it."

"Sorry. Is it to late to get an abortion?"


"Is it to late to get an abortion?"

"... I'm not getting a fucking abortion."

"Well it's lose that damn baby or lose me?"

"Why are you making me have to choose... it's my body."

"Look, YOU are the one that lied. YOU need to choose to get rid of that baby if YOU know what's good for YOU."

"I- I can't, I'll be killing an innocent baby."

"Blablabla that so called baby is nothing more but a few sperm cells right?"


"Come on, we're getting you to the doctor."

He grabbed my arms and dragged me in the car. I held back all the tears I could. When we got to the doctor's office. The nurse looked at me, then escorted Konoha out of the room.

"Hey, you don't have to do what he tells you. This is you're decision."

"....I- I know. But- I can't- I can't do it... w-what is the safest way?" 

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