Chapter Nine

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In the morning I, of course, was the first awake and I got in the shower. Grabbing my things to change into and looking at the two boys I've shared my whole life with before they shared this new world with me. I blasted the music so I could sing in the shower.

The first song was my absolute favorite at the moment which is by Tori Kelly, "Nobody Love" she had an amazing voice I can only wish to have a small fraction of. When the song ended my favorite song by Nicki Manaj came on.

"Boy you got my heart beat runnin away!" I screamed at the top of my lungs hopefully waking up the boys. After I did there were no banging on the door or anything so I kept singing.

As the song slowed down and nearing its end the shower curtain opened screaming I shouted "someone's in here oh my gosh this is so embarrassing I ca-" I was cut off by a hand covering my mouth.  It was Taylor, he was naked getting into the shower with me. "oh my god Taylor get out!" I whispered yell turning around so the only thing that could arouse him was my butt, which was very flat.

"Common Abi, like old times," I could here him groan in annoyance.

"No, not anymore Taylor. Now, get out." I said sternly. He finally got out after some arguing. I quickly finished my shower after he left. I got out of the shower and went to grab my towel, which wasn't there anymore. "god damn it," I said quietly. "Taylor Michael Caniff, give me my god dam towel or all the boys in this room is going to see me bare ass naked." I heard some shuffling and Dillon say something about Taylor is in for it now. "Dillon, where is he?" I yelled out of the bathroom. I could hear him hit someone one then a loud thud back and a couple 'ouches' and some laughing when finally Taylor comes to the door.

"Here," he hands me back my towel and my clothes that he had also took from the bathroom, I snatched them out of his hand slamming the door in his face. "You are welcome, cranky pants!" he yells sarcastically.

I got ready taking my time with how I would look for my first time at an event like this.


"Welcome, welcome, welcome!" Cameron yelled into the mic as he welcomed every one to Magcon. "All of us are so excited to meet and see all of you! Today we have a very, very special guest who I happen to be very close with."

"Abi!" some girl in the crowd screamed followed by a lot of cheering.

"Well, everyone you told her.  Abi common out they are so excited to see you!" I ran out and hugged Cam taking the mic from him. He gave me a wink at me and I elbowed him.

"Well hello everyone!" I was trying to talk over all the yelling. That didn't work so I put I'm finger to my lips and they all soon started shushing each other and were finally quiet. "Hi, well for you who don't know I'm Abi and I really like food, make up, and singing," I waved to the crowd with my extra hand. "I want to bring out some really special people I have known for a long time. These are two of my absolute best friends. Please welcome Dillon Rupp and Taylor Caniff!"

The lights shut off and then the strobe light started flashing. "We don't act like normal guys," fog started filling the room. "We don't party like normal kids," a few colored lights flashed through out the room. "We party... Buckwild!" then the music for 'Buckwild' started playing and the people in the crowd started to freak out and scream. The smile on Taylors face while preforming was the only thing that was going to make this whole 'playing hard to get' thing, hard. He was all I wanted and all I need this was going to be super hard not to fall more in love with him while he will most likely fall out of it.

Soon after the show had finished and many laughs were shared I finally got to meet some fans. Most girls, but there were a couple guys who showed up for me. Each person had an amazing story of how I inspired them. After many silly pictures all the fans were gone and it was only us performers.

"How about some food?" Nash asked and everyone's stomach growled in agreement.

"What should we go get?" Aaron asked the group. "I want pizza," he suggested.

"I want panda express or Chinese!" I whined. I wasn't the only one to think it was a bad idea. Most of the boys wanted the same thing. So, when it came down to it we all decided on a little family owned teriyaki place. The food was delicious. No one left with an empty stomach at the end of the night. When we were all about to leave I looked around and noticed how happy we all were, laughing, smiling, and we all didn't care about what else was going on. I think I can get use to this life.

"Hey Abi, you okay?" Dillon asked.

"Yeah," I smiled, "Just thinking about how happy we all are, how happy I am. My dad would be so proud of us all."

"You know if he could he'd be here with us right now, no doubt about it. He'd steal the stage at the show today." Dillon hugged me tight. "Love you Abs." he said laying his cheek on the top of my head.

"How about us three go to get ice cream?" I suggested to Dillon and Taylor. They both smiled and said yes, this would be a perfect opportunity to catch up and they could tell me all about what has been going on.

Most of the time they both just talked about the other boys and Mahogany to let me get to know them. Cameron was dating some girl back home named Haley. Jack Johnson was trying to hide his girl from the fans, her name is Paisley. I forgot what was going on in everyone else's life. All I know is I'm going to try an set up Aaron and my little sister up. Taylor and DIllon were on board with my plan.

"You know they are going to be really cute," Taylor said.

"Yeah almost as cute as you and Abi, if you got your shit together." My eyes got wide at Dillon who just licked his ice cream. Taylor was looking at his feet not trying to say anything back and avoiding eye contact at all cost.

"I'm sorry for being such a fuck up Abi." Taylor finally admitted it, maybe he is going to grow up a little.


wassuppppp its been a while.. its been a while. Sorry everyone!! Whats good? sorry its taken so long, just ended high school! GOODBYE FREE EDUCATION HELLOOOOOOOO DEBT lol I'm screwed!

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