Chapter Four

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"I can't believe him. I'm so mad. Abi, you don't even know how much I don't like him right now! It's one thing he said that but it's another fucking thing to LEAVE your there. I'm going to deck him. He's going to have a bruise." He was ranting.

"Dillon! stop. I'm not coming to the Magcon. I'm changing my mind." He shut up.



"Dillon you heard me, I changed my mind."

"Abi, do you know how many girls and actual guys are coming because YOU are going" Dillon said. "Please don't make me tell them you aren't going because you had a fight with Mr. Douchebag-Caniff!"

"Dillon, I don't know, I don't want to see him. It'll be too much!" I sighed.

"Don't come for him, come for me, the Jacks, Cameron, all us guys, and the fans that are excited to meet you!"

"You know I hate you?" I asked, cracking a smile.

"I love you too abbiiiiii! Go get some rest! I'll see you tomorrow!" Dillon sang to me before we both said goodnight. It didn't take long before I fell asleep.

*~In the morning~*

'err err err'

It was six in the morning and the last thing I wanted to do was get up, let alone get up to be in the same plane with Taylor.

"Abigail are you up?" my mom poked her head into my room.

I don't say anything, instead I did this weird half grunt half sigh sound. I don't know but it sounded like a lion who snorted like a pig.

"Well I guess you're up, we are leaving in an hour. Get ready to leave." My mom sniffled closing the door after her. I threw my arms up and kicked my blankets off, the cool air hit my warm legs like a smack to the face. I don't think I've ever moved so fast out of my bed into my bedroom to take a shower.

I spent most of my hour in my shower and quickly changing into yoga pants and a baggy sweater. I slipped on my black Vans and grabbed all my luggage. "See you soon." I left my door closed and headed to meet my mom in the car.

"You ready?" I just gave her a sigh and slumped into my passenger chair. Alex was in the back playing on her phone and listening to music.

"I wish Alex could come with me, honestly I hope she decides to try and gets big with singing and dancing, I really do mom," I could tell my mom was confused why I was bringing this up, "I know it's random, I just- I guess I never tell her enough about how she's really talented. Also, I want her to meet Hayes! they're the same age and I think has a crush on her!" my mom giggled at the last part with me.

"I hope you tell her this sometime. She looks up to you Abi." Maybe I should, she'd be really fun to bring along.

I took out my phone to send a group chat to all the guys, even Taylor. 'Hey guys(: heading to the airport right now! hope to see y'all soon.(: even Dillon, just shower before I get there. You always smell (; -Abi xo'

Jack J: If he doesn't I'll die. He's making me gag it's terrible Abi!!

Aaron: I can smell Dillon from the other side of the hotel!!

Shawn: its so gross!

Dillon: hey, the ladies love this smelly man ;)

Mahogany: all the ladies but this one dill! :*

Jack G: they love all of us dipshit.

Then I got a text from Taylor: I think Dillon smells good. Like sex and new car! It's hot ;)

Matt: Taylor, glad to know you're alive.

Taylor: why wouldn't I be?

Matt never answered. After that no one answered. They all sent me individual messages. Most of them saying they choose my side. I would tell them, there are no sides, and they're Taylor's friend too.

"Were here," my mom said helping me get my bags out of the back of the car. I gave her a hug, "I love you, tell Alex what you said to me. It'll mean a lot to her."

When Alex got out of the car I jumped into giving her a big hug, "I wish you were coming Al!!" she only let me call her Al, no one but me. "Love you little sis!"

She gave me a tight squeeze, "I love you too!"

I waved goodbye and walked into the airport, went through security and every other possible thing to slow me down. When I got to my gate they had just started boarding. I gave the lady my ticket, "have a nice flight! The young man next to you is very handsome." I just groaned. He would make this flight. I just want this flight over.

As, I went to find my seat, I tried to find some kindness in me to say hi to Taylor. I couldn't find any so I just say right in my seat next to the infamous Taylor Caniff.

"Hi," he said to me I'm a small voice.


"Abi, I'm sorry, I just I don't know what I was thinking. I was being stupid and selfish and an idiot and any other name you might think about me. I am really sorry, Dillon is SO mad at me too. I'll be surprised if he even talks to me. most of the other guys are pretty pissed. Abigail, are you even listening?" his voice was about to crack.

"Look here Taylor, you are the worst person I know right now. I'm glad Dillon is mad at you because you really hurt me. I don't accept your apology and this doesn't make us friends right now. You're going to have to prove you want this friendship back. I'm just really disappointed in you." I left it at that and turned to the flight attendant. "Hi ma'am, is there another seat available. Him and I aren't going to get along. Or if anyone will switch that'd be just make my day!" I tried to say this in the least bitchy tone I could say.

"I'll check miss but no promises." She disappeared. When she came back, "I'm sorry but no extra seats to switch you. I'm sorry."

"Thanks." I said, slumping down into my chair. Ugh, can this get ANY worst?!

He had to planned this I know he did. Taylor Michael Caniff is a genius, also a softy, and a major sap on the inside. "Fine. But you are not my favorite person anymore, it's Dillon." I gave him a true Abigail Lynn smirk that even the devil himself couldn't out do with evil.


The flight wasn't too long, almost two hours. We didn't talk both listening to music and me falling asleep and waking up on Taylor's shoulder- talk about awkward.

"Abi, we're here. Uh, wake up."

"Taylor five more minutes. I wanna sleep!" I heard a small chuckle out of Taylor.

"You can sleep in the car, sweet thing. everyone's already got off. They're waiting for us to get off to board the next flight. Plus, Dillon is waiting to see you!" Taylor cooed to me. It only made me want to sleep more. I groaned and opened my eyes and sleepily rubbed them open. "Let's go Abi."

"Thanks for flying with us!" the stewardess chirped. "By the way, he's a keeper sweetheart. He made sure to keep you warm and comfy. He really loves you." She gave me a big smile ear to ear. He really loves you left me in a stand still. Taylor really went out of his way to do that? Yeah right. "Have a nice day!" she said, and not soon after I heard steps behind me.

"Ready to see the boys again?"


HIIIIIIII HOWS IT FOING???!!?? wow I suck at updating. I know!! ugh. sorry :'(((( but this is kinda a filler??¿?? idrk but all the guys are doing really good in music like it makes me sad :( Shawn's ep is life.

yeah but I'm in Cali rn hollah so I'll be typing when on the road yay!

so follow me on twitter if you don't <3333 @queenbreetho

and if you are looking for a new boy band to obsess over look up Boy Band Project and listen to the 'Give Me Love' cover. everything else is not the current group. questions... DM me on twitter.


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