Chapter Ten

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We have done three Magcons and Taylor is still being the oblivious, annoying him. I have been trying so hard not to care and play it cool, it is not working. I feel so helpless and frustrated with him. He drives me up the wall, but that's why I love him so much.

"God, I can't believe he has been so ugh!" I grumbled to Dillon.

"Maybe you should give up. Even I've lost hope in him," Dillon rolled his eyes. Him and I have had this conversation a million times since I got here for magcon. "He's clearly not getting it that he has his best girl friend trying to give him the most amazing love he could probably ever experience, but it's Taylor so who are we kidding."

Dillon was right, "he's not going to get it together, it's a lost cause," I sighed. "maybe I can just distract myself with something. I could focus on music or maybe.." I couldn't think of anything else.

"Maybe you could focus on me,"  a man said behind me. I turned around to see a talk, dark, skinny, Gilinsky was the man behind the words.

"Oh hell no," Dillon said.

"Oh common man, she can make her own decisions. Plus, it's not like Taylor's going to make a move anytime soon." Jack said

I just sat there jaw dropped looking at Jack. No way he just said that, not even a month ago he was talking about this girl Madison, now me? "How do I know you're serious about me Jack? What happened to the other girl you were talking to?" 

Jack looked down at his shoes and ran his fingers through his jet black hair, "I told her things weren't going to work out when I found out that you were going to be here at magcon from now on." My heart skipped a beat or two. "Common Abi, one chance is all I want. I know that's not showing much but if you give me this chance I will prove to you how much I want you and how good I can treat you," Jack was walking towards me. Once he could, he placed his hand on my hip and used the other hand to lift my chin to look at him. This was the closest I have ever been to him and my eyes memorized every  inch of his face through facetime but in person everything was well, enhanced and clear to see every little mark and blemish on his face.

I suddenly felt nervous and stole a quick glance at Dillon who was scolding me and I'm sure if he could, he would be telling me how wrong it would be. But, every bone in my body was telling me 'do it Abi, take a chance' I looked back at Jack. He was still staring at me waiting for an answer, I opened my mouth and took a leap of faith, "One chance Jack, that's all you get." Once the words slipped out of my mouth Jacks deep brown eyes glowed a little bit with happiness. His arms wrapped around my waist and he puled me in for a long hug. 

My muscles relaxed the longer the hug went on, he shifted his head so it no longer sat on top of my head, he had moved it so he could easily whisper into my ear, "this already feels so right." I just nodded in agreement against his chest. 

"Abi are you serious?" I look up at Dillon who is obviously pissed off. "You're seriously giving up on Taylor that easily? Are you fucking stupid. You just have to give him time." Dillon argues shaking his hands in the air.

"Time? Give him time? Seriously Dillon, how many weeks have i given him since I told him evrything and spilled my heart out to him? In all reality how many years have i given him  waiting for him to grow up?" I argue back, and he just drops his eyes to the floor knowing how right I am.

Then behind me there was some coughing, I turned to look at Jack who was looking behind him. Then i saw who made the noise, none other than the guy I use to want, Taylor Caniff.

"You gave me time, but I didn't know all those years you wanted me. It would have been nice if you came to me and said something about your feelings. But, I see how easily you give up Abi, I thought your dad didn't raise you to quit on someone." Taylors words stung as they left his mouth, I couldn't do anything. He was right, I never have once given up on someone before now. "I  can't believe you G. You knew how much this tore me up. I even came to you to get your advice. You just went behind my back!" Taylor now started walking towards Jack, I knew what was going to happen.

"Taylor don't," I yelled throwing myself in front of Jack hoping to stop him. I was wrong there was a loud thud when he got the connection he wanted, only not with the person it was aimed at.

"Taylor, what the fuck!" I hear Gilinsky say as his arms grab me tightly.

"Oh my god Taylor!" Dillon yells shortly after. I don't dare to move, and squeeze my eyes shut hoping that the pain goes away.

 The right side of my face beating and feeling like it just got smacked by a truck. I let out a loud groan of pain trying to find the exact spot it hurts, but its useless, everywhere hurts.

"Abi, oh my god, Abi I'm so sorry. That was- I didn't mean to- FUCK," mumbled curse words under his breath but none I could make out. He just kept saying how sorry he was and how he would make it up to me. I heard footsteps walk in the room and they were talking about ice. Then my cheek felt like the titanic hitting an iceberg when jack placed a bag of ice on my face.

"God damn it Taylor! You messed up." Jack said, clearly pissed off. 

"Shut up Jack, this wouldn't have happened if it weren't for you." Taylor spat back.

"Both of you shut up. My face hurts," I said weakly before opening my eyes and seeing both Jack and Taylor. This is going to be tough. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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