Chapter Seven

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We were at the hospital till one in the morning before they sent us to the hotel. Taylor is getting what he deserves for fighting because he broke his left hand and a minor concussions. I couldn't help but feel slightly at fault. I mean I guess he thought I didn't want anything to do with him. Maybe it had to do with Jack and I. Jack showed he wouldn't be a problem for me since he could never accept Taylor and I as friends.


When we finally got to the hotel all four of us made it to mine and Taylor's shared room.

"I'm going to go fill in the others," Nash stated and soon left after giving me a hug. Cameron soon left too. Once again leaving Dillon and I.

"Will you stay in here with me tonight?" I asked Dillon.

"Of course Abi. Let me go change okay, I'll be right back." He hurried out of the room.

I grabbed my phone to look on social media- obviously twitter. Lots of fan accounts tweeted me questions and some on my time line were wondering why no ones been on.

'@itsabilynn: hey guys, love you(: think of Taylor tonight<3'

After that I decided to changed before Dillon came back. I threw a pair of black and blue basketball shorts on, and a light baby blue tanktop. Cleaning all my makeup off my face I looked in the mirror. My eyes red and swollen looking, my cheeks were a shade of pink that only happens when I cry. My eyes were a dark shade if grey looking like a storm cloud. Throwing my hair long blonde hair into a high pony. I plopped down on bed curling myself into a ball. All of Taylor's stuff had been moved into our room. I don't want to seem snoopy but I really wanted one of his sweatshirts. They smelt like Taylor, how could you not want one. I grabbed his black Magcon sweat shirt and pulled it over my head. His sweatshirt was twice my size, making it perfect sleeping material.

I heard three small knocks on the door and opened to see not only Dillon, but Cameron, Matt, Carter, and Shawn. I smiled and let them all in. Dillon threw his pillow into the same bed I was sleeping on, along with Cameron and his pillow. The other three boys took Taylor's bed.

"Oh hell no! I am not sleeping with both Dillon annnnddd Cameron! Dillon hogs the blanket and moves a lot!" I complained.

"Well you told me you wanted me to stay in here, I thought it would be fun to have a sleep over!" Dillon shot back in an extremely girly voice while putting his hands on his hips. I scoffed mumbling fine and jumping into bed.

"Abi, do think he'll be back tomorrow?" Matt's voice was soft.

"I hope so Matt, I hope so." I agreed. Shawn finding the idea to comfort me and sing. I soon fell asleep with my knees in my chest and Taylor's smell taking over.


I woke up to Cameron's butt in my stomach and Dillon elbowing my shoulder blades. To add to that, Matt somehow made his way to my bed and was sleeping with three pairs of feet digging in his back. I looked over to see Carter had taken the whole bed, spreading out into some awkward position with his butt sticking out and his arms and legs in every other direction. Shawn, poor little Shawn, he was sleeping on the ground curled into a ball totally passed out.

I somehow managed to get out of bed without waking any of them up. I grabbed my phone to make a vine. "This is what happens when you let five boys have a 'sleep over' in your hotel room." I whispered to the camera. Showing where I was, then pointing out each boy and their own way of sleeping.

They all looked so peaceful, why would I let them have their way. I ran into my bathroom grabbing shaving cream and a couple cups full of cold water.

Poor Matt had probably the worst night of sleep, might as well wake him first I thought. I took a cup of water and poured some of the water into his mouth. As soon as I did his eyes shot open and he sat up. I threw my hand over his mouth before he could yell and nodded to the other boys sleeping then held my shaving cream up. He smirked getting what I was trying to say.

Matt put a lot of shaving cream into his hand and walked towards Carter. I did the same and walked to Dillon we counted to three and smacked them both. Dillon and Carter both screamed and sat up. Cameron's eyes shot open and he looked around in confusion.

"What the heck just happened!?" Cameron's said rubbing his eyes.

"Don't you worry sleepy head you weren't going to get touched." Matt cooed at him. I looked at Shawn who was still sleeping like a rock. He was so cute curled up into a little Shawn ball on the ground.

I went to bend down to talk to Shawn "Hey sleepy Shawny! It's morning time and we have to go see Taylor. Wake up!" Shawn just groaned and rolled over.

Matt stepped in and pushed me away, "BODY SLAMMMMMM!!!" he screamed and jumped on to Shawn. Shawn's reaction was priceless, he screamed like a little girl and punched Matt in the stomach.

"Alright boys lets go!" I yelled. I called dibs on my shower and ran in there really fast. I locked the door before anyone could come in, but that didn't stop them from pounding on the door the whole time. I thought the faster I showered the sooner I would see Taylor. I just needed to make sure that he is okay. When I finished my shower I realized I didn't grab any of my clothes. "Shit," I whispered to myself. "OKAY, any of you out there need to cover their eyes because I need to grab clothes." I didn't hesitate I walked straight to my suitcase and grabbed a pair of jeans and a peach colored tank-top before walking back into the bathroom. I changed quickly, brushed my teeth, and dried my hair before going out to do my make up.

"Took you long enough," Dillon laughed. I shot him a glare and sat down in front of a mirror.

"Of course now she has to do her makeup!" Nash cried out, throwing his hands up.

"I'm not doing a lot okay. I'm probably going to cry so there isn't much a point." I shrugged putting on top eyeliner and a little bit of mascara. "alright let's roll." I grabbed my purse and headed out the door.


so heeeyyyyyyy long time no WATTPAD 😂 lol okay well this is a filler tbh I'm sorry I suck but I hope to get better

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