Chapter Six

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I had given up all hope on finding Taylor, it was already 8:30 that night and he was no where to be found.

'@itsabilynn: @taylorcaniff where are you, can't find you anywhere! :('

I honestly don't know what to think about this boy right now. As soon as I sat down in my hotel room my twitter went off. I was hoping it would be Taylor but it wasn't.

'@JackJackJohnson: @itsabilynn @taylorcaniff we'll find him. Don't worry Abi. He couldn't have gotten too far /:'

I hoped Jack was right. I didn't want Taylor somewhere else. Especially if he didn't tell any of the guys. Since I didn't have to do anything better and he was suddenly harder to find then a missing person I checked his instagram- nothing.

Fine, what about his twitter? He could have favorited something that'd be a clue or even tweeted something.

'@taylorcaniff: biggest screw up. She's better with him.'

What was he talking about? Who's better off with who?? I didn't know what I was doing, I just called him out of habit.

One ring...


Three rings...

The fourth one didn't happen it went straight to voicemail.

-Abigail Flashback-

"Common Ab's no one will ever know!" He whispered into the phone.

"I don't know, I've never sneaked out of my house before! I'm not like that Taylor!! My dad would kill me if he found out, well he'd kill you first, then me!" I whispered back.

We were still in that awkward stages of middle school and it was a week after I had turned thirteen.

"He'll never know! I promise, have I ever broken a promise to you Miss. Abigail Smith?" He gave me the famous Taylor Caniff smirk, making my heart work double time.

"I seriously hate you! I hope you know that!!" I whisper yelled ending the phone call and climbing out of my second story window and down the tree.

"Welcome to the wild side babe," he kissed my cheek pulling me into a tight hug. My heart did back flips as his hand grasped my hand and we took off into the night to our park.

-End Flashback-

I had to find him, maybe not for the right reason, but all the wrong reasons.

Thinking about that night he snuck me out to the park I flipped through the pictures on my phone. I had a file just for Taylor and I. At the end was none other than the picture we had just taken a few days ago.

I wanted to go back to that, where everything was so right. He acted like he saw no one but me that day. Then reality kicked in just like always and it left me more confused then ever.

Honestly, being Taylor's best friend I've seen how he treats girls, and it's nothing like a fairy tale. The way he looked at all other girls was not the way he looks at me.

He has the most admiration and love in his eyes when I see him look at me. His eyes and facial structure is soft and warm. Not cold and hard like the look he's given me today. My heart wrenched with pain thinking about the way he acted today. It was like he wanted nothing to do with me anymore.

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