Chapter Five

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"Dillon!!" I squealed. Dropping my hand bag I ran to one of my best friends.

"Hey Abi-Lynn!" Dillon was one of the only people who call me that, the only other two people is Taylor and my dad did. My dad had a collection of nicknames for not only myself, but Alex.

Before his passing, and even before dating Taylor was a thought in my head- my dad coached the little league team. Catching my love for not only baseball, but starting on the path to play softball. Dillon, Taylor, and myself were all on the same t-ball team. Once we were all old enough my dad kept coaching the boys in an all boy team. Bringing me along just in case an extra player was needed.

"I'm so excited to be here Dill, I've missed you sooo much! But, didn't I tell you to shower before I saw you? I was wondering what that god awful smell was when we landed. It all makes sense now that you're right next to me."

"I didn't miss you!" Dillon said playfully pushing me. I acted hurt and started to fake cry in my palms. "Taylor." I heard Dillon say, as I looked up they nodded heads. Totally unlike them, they should be hugging, being obnoxious, and scream things like 'cock' and 'penis' I was a bit on edge around them.

"Where's the rest of the guys?" I really couldn't wait to see them. As I tried to remember the guys who were suppose to be coming with Dillon, Dillon said them.

"Gilinsky, Aaron, and Cameron are all in the car waiting still, let's go. They're all excited to see you Abi!" Dillon smiled like he was a fat five year old child in a candy shop for the first time after fat camp. He grabbed my bag and ushered me out to the car. I saw Taylor mumble something, probably about Dillon. He soon caught up behind us.

"Abigail Lynn!" I groaned at the sound of none other then Cameron Dallas screaming my name and running to me. As I braced for impact Cameron picked me up and spun me around. "Great to see you finally!" Although Cameron and I never met in person, since the first Magcon FaceTime session with Taylor and him, we have been best friends.

"Would I be crazy to say I miss you? Because I totally do!" As soon as I said that Cam engulfed me in a hug, his laughter vibrating my whole body.

"You'd only be socially acceptable crazy!" he winked at me showing me Aaron.

Aaron was definitely someone I'd think would be a cute boyfriend for Alex. They would look so cute together. Unlike me, Alex has long dark brown, almost black hair. Popping her bright blue eyes and pale completion.

"Hi Aaron," I said pulling him into a hug. I could tell he was going to be a big part of my life now, especially since he seems like the quiet keep-the-peace kind of person.

"Glad you're finally here. Dillon hasn't shut up since you decided you were coming." He was then pushed out of the way by the last boy who came to come pick Taylor and I up.

"Finnegack," I smirked.

"Lynnigail," he stuck his tongue out at me.

"God Jack, you're such a five year old!" I scoffed.

"Says the girl who mixed my middle and first name, into some nonsense of a word" he retorted pulling me in to a hug. I'd be lying if I said Jack and I didn't flirt whenever we talked. But, we did, a lot too.

I didn't want to stay too long in the hug with Gilinsky, but damn, did that boy smell good.

Awkwardly, Taylor cleared his throat and I shot him a death glare for ruining my happiness the last couple days. "We should get going," he said getting in the back of the car. Cameron drove, with Aaron in the passenger side. Dillon, myself, and Jack sat in the middle bench seat. Lastly, Taylor sat by himself in the back.

Nothing exciting happened at first, then that all changed when 'Fancy' came on the radio.

Quickly, Aaron pulled out his phone to record us all singing along to the chorus.

I'm so fancy, you already know!

I'm in the fast lane from LA to Tokyo

Right before the vine ended both Jack and Dillon kissed me on the cheek and Aaron squealed like a five year old. I'm sure my face was priceless, in shock.

"Alright, enough of this weird love triangle with Abi in the middle... We're here!!" Cameron screamed like a little girl who saw a pony.

"oh my god, what girl just screamed?" Jack was being super sarcastic.

Cameron quickly chimed in, "I think it was Taylor!" I think everyone but Cam forgot Taylor was still in the car.

I cleared me throat, "gosh Tay why you gotta be such a girl!" I said in the most noticeably joking voice.

"shut up Abi." he mumbled and crawled out of the car and headed inside.

"Someone's pissy." Aaron stated. All of us bobbed our head in agreement.


"Hi, I'm Abigail Smith! I'm here to check in. I'm apart of Magcon!" I smiled to the older lady who was behind the counter.

"Oh lovely! Since you're a late arrival as well as the other fellow, I believe- Taylor Caniff, will be sharing a room," she smiled. I groaned internally. "Here's two keys. You will be in room 238. I hope you enjoy your stay, and have a fantastic meet up!"

"Thank you ma'am." I smiled walking back to the other boys. "Has anyone seen Taylor, I have his room key. Him and I are sharing a room." I sighed heavily. I hope we can work this out.

"Let's go check our rooms to see if he's with Carter or Matt." Cameron suggested. He slung an arm around me shoulder, "Don't worry about what's happening. Just try and have as much fun as you can with us all. If things work out for the best, or worst, you always have us to fall back on. You're apart of our family now!" I hugged his side as we walked down the hall to the elevator.

"Thanks Cam, you're the best." I whispered. He kissed the top of my head reassuring me things would be okay soon enough.


Hi Hi Hiiiiiiiiii

ooooooh Abi and Gilinsky. I smell a girl who gets around (;

JKJKJKJKJKJK but really my life would be 2983726262 times more fab if Gilinsky and Caniff were totally digging me.

but I also wish Cameron was my best friend like he'd be so sweet and make sure you're okay, and you always have someone to be around, and you felt included! god cam is seriously got me all heart eye emoji! I should stall in Taylor Caniff lane not Cameron Dallas rode! hahaha ooooooops!

what will happen next? will Taylor and Abi do the nasty? they dooooooo not. ya nastys!

ha sorry okay I'm good :p

twitter: queenbreetho

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