Chapter Two

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The car ride wasn't awkward like I thought. We made small talk about how tour was going. I asked about Dillon, Taylor told me he was great, and actually talking to a girl. He left out a name and age, but the way he smiled I knew Dillon already really liked this girl. I hope to find out more soon.

We then talked about the other boys, I knew a couple from the skype calls. I was good friends with Aaron and the Jacks.

"How much longer?" I asked trying to figure out where he was taking me.

"You'll know it when you see it." he smiled grabbing my hand in his while he drove. I smiled because I missed Taylor, I missed my best friend. "I love this song!" Taylor screamed as 'Problems' by Ariana Grande came on the radio. Before I knew it Taylor and I were singing- though it sounded like screaming- the song to each other and dancing along to the song. We must have looked like the biggest idiots to everyone, honestly, this was a normal car ride for Taylor and I.

"Oh my god Tay, I know where you're taking me!" I screamed, rolling down my window to lean out.

"I knew you would," he said it barely audible. "Get back in the car crazy girl!" Taylor pulled me back into the car by my shirt. "You can't just do that, you'll fall out." He laughed turning the radio up. We pulled up to a random spot of field and I jumped out of the car to run out into the field of grass and flowers. "Slow down!" I heard Taylor realizing I was far enough from the car.

"Hurry up Taylor!" He shook his head and walked towards me. He had brought me to the field our parents brought us to as kids, also where we first met.

I personally haven't been to this field in a long time. I couldn't remember the last time I had been here. My dad always brought me, then he got into a car wreck causing him to go in a comma, then died four months later. I was a big daddies girl growing up, and losing my dad was the hardest thing to ever happen to me. He didn't want to give up the fight. Although, everyone knew he wasn't going to make it. I was twelve when he finally passed. It's been five years, and the only time I was here at this park was a month after he had left, I was with Taylor that time too. We planted a tree in honor of my dad. After that, I think I came one night after Taylor left for the first time to go on tour. But, other then those two times I stopped coming here.

The field had a few tree swings on the tall oak tree that was the only way to get shade. There was also a small swimming hole where mostly old people went fishing during the day, and teenagers threw parties at night.

"Welcome to the park of our childhood." Taylor bowed holding a basket and a blanket, "and on the menu we have, well, whatever my mom packed." he grinned Taylors mom was my second mom. Tay was like my brother, I love the boy to death, and nothing can change that. "So how are you?"

I gave him a confused look, "good, I've actually been really good." I was looking out at the fishing hole, the light was hitting the water perfectly making me zone out on the glistening water. "do you ever wonder what it's like to be a fish?" I didn't realize I was thinking out loud till Taylor started laughing so hard he fell over. "oh my god I sound so stupid. Don't judge me anymore Taylor! STOP LAUGHING!!" I got up to go smack him, but I ended up tripping over the blanket and falling on my face. Smooth Abi, smooth. Taylor stopped his annoying cackle, and he just was giggling.

"You okay Ab?" I could tell he was trying not to laugh but a could chuckles came out when he asked. I left my face burried in the blanket and just shook my hed telling him no. I am the biggest idiots of idiots that ever lived. "okay, so sit up," I just let out a sigh and sat up looking anywhere but at him, my god I'm so embarrassing. I finally made eye contact with Taylor and once I did I felt my whole face turn bright red. Out of instinct I put my hands over my face and squealed. "oh my god, I forgot you did that when you get embarrassed, fucking lord you're adorable!" Taylor said before he started laughing.

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