Chapter 8: Dreams and Wonders.

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"I suppose."

It was colder than usual, the air felt lighter, but dense at the same time. He felt sick, despite that being such a low possibility. Never in his life has he felt so diluted. He looked around, it was a forest, then he noticed his body. Claws larger, tail behind him, his hands touched his head, meeting his horns. Slowly, he sat on the ground. Suddenly he felt overwhelmed, a new, odd feeling, his eyes became droopy and he was tired. 

So tired.

"Amaimon?" That voice.

"There you are, I've been looking all over for you." Looking for me?

"I've brought candy, I hope you don't mind the flavors I picked."

Amaimon looked in the direction of the voice. It was Y/n, but different. Beautiful white wings sprouted from his back, his body was covered in a silky looking toga that dragged along the ground.
Y/n aproched Amaimon and sat across from him. He then noticed that the tips of his fingers were a light yellow, and small horns that had also had a yellow fade to white.

"You've been out for awhile, doesn't suprise me much. Enjoying your environment?" Amaimon didn't answer. Y/n placed his hand on his cheek, the overwhelming feeling gone. Instinctively he leaned into his palm.

"I don't understand." Amaimon muttered.

"What don't you understand?" Y/n asked, grazing his finger along his cheekbone.

"This isn't real, your not a.. your a human, very angry human." Why does this feel so real?

Y/n frowned. "I'm right here, and I don't think humans have these attributes?" He exhaled. "I thought you remembered." Remember what? This is so confusing.

"Your not Y/n." Amaimon grumbled, and pushed away his hand. "Your a liar." Y/n's eyes widened.

"I'm not lying- please-" liar.

"Just stop."

Suddenly Y/n's features darkened and he glared at Amaimon. "Then wake up."

Raspy breathes escaped Amaimon's mouth, cold sweat covering his body. He sat up, taking in his surroundings. His thoughts inturupted by an annoying voice.

"I wasn't expecting you to be one to dream, brother." Mephisto mused, swiping his pen across some papers. 

He shook his head and stood from the couch. "I didn't know I could. It's so weird, how do humans do it?" Mephisto's eyes finally tore away from the papers and to his brother. 

He stared for a moment. "So it wasn't a dream? More of a nightmare?" Amaimon shrugged.

"It didn't scare me, as a nightmare would. Just highly confusing and frustrating." He explained, fixing his clothes. Mephisto hummed and wafted his hand, signalling to continue. "I don't want to share, I need to figure something out." Without giving Mephisto time to reply he launched himself out the window and barreling towards the male dorms. 

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