chapter 21: festival of ustio part 4

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Don't own anything

This will be different

The actual kurumi is going out with destroyer not the kind kurumi the real kurumi had a change of heart


Author pov:

Apex: kotori shut up. If kurumi wants to marry him let them. I don't recall kurumi was never your ally

Kotori: i know that but .

Tohka: kurumi san had changed. You shido origami look through this world's history ...... Some day another war will break out

Yoshino: i don't see a problem either

Apex: don't do anything to my wingman or his girlfriend

Phoenix: there trying out wedding clothes. If they want to get married they can.... But hey nothing wrong with half human & spirit right .... & is shido your brother?. Kinda gross isn't it😅😅😅

Tohka: ouch😲

Yoshino: he's got a point captain

Kotori: ......


Destroyer & kurumi walking towards the tree Thing where they make a wish. Kurumi knows destroyer's point of view,

(14:56 only)

" maybe not having a burden of a nation allows you to fly faster " she thought. He sat next to me looking everywhere not in the care in the world.

Kurumi pov:

(Theme starts playing)

As my final wish is done. My wish was to ....... Marry him some day. He suffered too much this world of strangeral suffered too much its too selfish for me to continue.

I am going back of who i used to be. * sniff * " dammit now i'm crying " i felt my love circled his arms around my waist.

Destroyer: its hard to let go huh

Kurumi: its not easy

Author pov:

Tohka got off the phone. Rapid scramble call.

Apex: tohka kick ass out there

She kissed him

Tohka: you bet

Tohka: kurumi san duty calls

Kurumi: as expected

Destroyer: well be right behind you

Kurumi: Thanks for the date

They kissed each other

Theme ends.

Tohka got her spirit outfit kurumi decided to bring her main outfit out materialized her custom m82.

Destroyer & apex smiled & running to their planes.

(Theme starts playing)

Kurumi: what did you wish for?

Tohka: * brushed her lips * learning of what love is

Kurumi: so no food?

Tohka: no .....

Kurumi: i didn't think you understand about love

Tohka: ........

Kurumi: forgive me i'll take it back

Tohka: James kun's parents died at farbanti 20 years ago Ulysses hit the capital he survived on his own his uncle yellow 13 raised him. He died by the hands of mobius 1. He survived again being targeted for drug operations till he was found by

Kurumi: mister x

Tohka: he suffered too much.... I wanted to share my life with him just as i was with shido

Kurumi: we are sooo gonna enjoy this

Nothing to




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