chapter 29:

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Don't pwn anything

Kurumi pov:

We arrived backed her up. Tohka swung her sword at that girl. I kicked the other one. Aimed my two guns.

Miku: fine evening nightmare?

Kurumi: pretty good, diva


They retreated.

Timeskip author pov:

Slat more often hangs around with miku izayoi at her school, Miku is now whiplash 5 there being watch by kotori.

Kotori: donnie johnson callsign strider 5 tac name SLAT. Annex emmeria airforce. At a young age his father goes by boulder. Sort of active during the emmeria estovakia war although he was what you call a backdoor version of garuda 1 talisman. Him & miku know each other. She sang their song in their country.

Shido: i wonder why trigger sensei recruited him

Kotori: slat its outstanding air supporter he flies f15E strike eagle & ASFX shinden 2

Back to the couple

Miku: shinden 2....... Emmeria never had something like that😅😅😅

Slat: they only make 5 of them.....

Miku: 5?!. They had it easy


Miku: estovakia made 1 plane & look what happened to them... Suprise they gave it to nightmare's boyfriend

Slat: question. Why did you decided to work with osean federation & many allies?

Miku: despite their lack of military intelligence. There the good guys. That world you came from was at peace before the belkan war became a thing..... So lex is a half android

Slat: yes

Miku: he did mentioned sulejmani.

She approached him hugging him.

Miku: like you stick with trigger. I diva stick with kurumi & i can make it

Nothing to say


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