chapter 22:

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Don't own anything

Fort Grays island author pov:

An explosion occured inside of apex's house. Erusean ace just woken when a explosion occured. He ran to the living room with his gun drawn only to see tohka having a ruff time of deciphering codes on her computer.

Tohka: sorry james kun. I blew up your computer😭😭

Apex: actually that is yours * put his gun back to his holster * you had a hard time of deciphering codes huh?😅

Door knock was heard. He opened door seeing Strider 2 destroyer & whiplash 1 kurumi.

Apex: come in you two. Kurumi your wingman is having trouble

Kurumi: i told 3 strikes she isn't good with that stuff😑. I'll help you tohka chan

Princess hugging nightmare.

Tohka: your the best flight leader

Kurumi: chill


(Theme starts playing)

Trigger: shido. Give me one good reason why should i trust your girlfriend origami. AST may be military but they operate on their own encountering spirits

Shido: i get it they don't listen to you guys

Trigger: EXACTLY. Origami almost killed lanza out of the sky during a confrontation her vs kotori 

Shido: she's sorry for that.....

Trigger: (sighed) fine at least she's nicer than your biological sister. If this happens again i will threw her in solitary for 5 weeks understand kiddo

Shido bowed: arigato trigger sama

Trigger: just call me trigger i'm not old😅👍

He walks away. 3 strikes phone ranged he looks at the number reine called. " oh the woman with sleeping bags under her eyes " he thought.

Nothing to say


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