Book 1, Chapter 1

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Vacation was sweet but Gwen Antello was just happy to be home again.

Cute boys, great places, amazing tan but one thing she missed was her father.

Her father, Eduardo Antello had died years ago in a mountain climbing accident, unknown. Gwen's eyes swelled at the thought.

Mr. Antello was a tall, black haired, bronze of a man who married Grace, a blonde curly haired woman. They both had two kids; Gwen; long black hair and an olive complexion. Her younger brother Jake, who was kind of pale, like her mother, had blond hair.

"Mom! I'm going on the phone!" Gwen yelled.

"Sure thing. Gwen, wait, honey, we still need to buy you amazing clothes," Grace said. "After all, you're starting high school."

"But mom," Gwen protested. "I've already got amazing clothes from Europe!"

Gwen's family wasn't super rich but her mom worked the bakery of goods and grocers that connected to their apartment-looking house, to earn a decent amount of money. So their house was on the second and third floor while the store was on the first floor.

Outside was a bright clear sky day, where the luggage was still by Gwen's mom's car.

"No, not clothes..." Grace muttered. "Bras."

Jake snickered.

"Bras?" Gwen said, horrified. "Mom!"

It was clear she didn't do much bra shopping in Europe because they mostly had a wide selection of super skimpy bras. It was just undergarments so it shouldn't matter but to Grace, it did.

"Darling, you're a growing girl. Sooner or later you're going to need to get a bra! And oh my, look at you!"

Gwen covered her body. Her face turned red. "Mom, please---"

"No, Gwen. Not another word. Tomorrow we're going shopping for bras whether you like it or not," Mom walked off.

Gwen was a little worried. What would her best friend say? She decided to phone Heidi Ryan.

After a few dials, her friend picked up.

"'Sup?" Heidi said, "Ohmygosh, Gwen, I'm so happy to see you-I mean hear from you! Silly me. How was vacation?"

"Great! I met a cute surfer boy, Toby, I think,"

"So dreamy," Heidi sighed. "Wish I went to Europe!"

"How's yoga going?"

"A little difficult!" Heidi answered. "Nevertheless, I've managed to learn a lot."

"Heidi, can I have your opinion on something?"

"Certainly," Heidi said, sitting on her bed, her two long braids twirling as she bobbed up and down. She was also applying pink shiny polish on her nails. Later she would do a fancy hairstyle to her blonde hair.

"Heidi, this is going to sound totally pathetic, but tomorrow's my first bra shopping day and I need advice."

"Bra advice? You've come to the right gal-hold on a sec. I'm getting a call from two other friends."


"You didn't expect me to mope around all day because you're not here! I went out and made two new friends! Jill Pain, she's a goth with cropped, short spiky black, green hair, and Fiancée Rich."

Heidi put the phone on a four-way.

"Ohmygosh, did you see the punk rockers 'Doom 3' perform? So sexy!" Jill gushed.

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