Book 1, Chapter 7, Part B

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"Billy?" It was an elderly man's voice.

"Great grandpa?" Billy dropped the ax to the ground, beside a relieved Gwen.

'Great Grandpa' appeared steaming mad.

"Billy, what are you doing?" Great Grandpa asked, furious. "We don't injure people! We keep to the shadows! Come on, let's get out of here, while she's still unconscious! If she comes to, I don't even want to know what will happen next..." his voice trailed off.

"But gramps..."

"But what?" Great Grandpa hissed. "Let's go!"

Both Great Grandpa and Billy disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Gwen lay there for a few minutes pretending to play dead, just in case. Then she got up and saw the sharp ax laying on the ground adjacent to where her body had been only a few minutes ago. She breathed a sigh of relief.

"I better get out of here." She whispered to herself.

As she walked towards the exit, she stepped over a dead body.

Curious, Gwen peaked down.

It was...Anthony.

Dead. With a bullet through his head.

Gwen shuddered.

With a final look back, she then left the eerie building.

The police would be coming soon and it would not look good for Gwen to be the only alive person at the scene.

As she stepped outside, she saw a fenced off abandoned area, and decided to use it as a shortcut, to somehow get home. As she was walking through the area, she saw Nina J and Tom heading in her direction.

Gwen decided to make a breakthrough, however Nina J and Tom had already spotted her. It was clear eye to eye contact.

Upon seeing her, they walked even faster towards her.

"Hey, how's the paaaarty?" Nina J asked her. "Did we miss anything?"

"We saw people screaming," Tom explained.

"You didn't miss much." Then Gwen blurted out, "there was a killer on the loose."

"It should have killed you." Nina J seethed.

"We'll do the job for the killer," Tom added, taking out a switchblade.

Nina J pulled out an identical one. Both of their blades had half a heart shape on them. If one was to put the blades side by side, it would show a full heart.

Yikes, Gwen thought. After dealing with one psycho, I'm now faced with two!

Gwen didn't have any choice but to run. So she ran. She climbed over the fence, and found herself in an open hallway full of mirrors. Hmm, perhaps this abandoned area used to be a carnival...

Unfortunately for her, Nina J and Tom followed her. Pretty fast!

Great! Gwen thought, groaning inwardly. Why do I always create problems?!

Gwen backed into a mirror. She was effectively caged in by these murderous teenage wannabees.

"Let's kill her," Nina seethed.

Nina, her boyfriend Tom and their weapons came closer towards Gwen.

Gwen lifted her finger and pointed it at Nina.

"Nina, I hope you are trapped in a mirror," Gwen trembled.

Nina laughed hysterically, but then all of a sudden, sparks of purple dust shot out of Gwen's finger and went around Nina. They sent her flying towards the mirror. Then, they pushed her. She went right into the mirror, behind Gwen! Gwen's mouth hung open, from shock. Nina was trapped inside the mirror, on the other side. There was no way she could hurt Gwen now.

"Get me out!" Nina screamed, banging on the mirror. Then, she froze into a pose like the Mona Lisa.

She wasn't smiling at all.

Tom's mouth was also open in shock. His expression turned from shock to one of anger.

"What did you do to my girlfriend?!" He demanded.

"Tom..." Gwen began walking towards him.

He backed away from her. "No, get away from me!"

Tom ran off.

However, Gwen couldn't let him go.

If he escaped, who knows who else he would tell.

They would either believe him and stake her...or whisk him away to a mental hospital.

Gwen shook her head. She just couldn't risk it.

"Stop!" She commanded, and then pointed her finger at him, like she had done with Nina.

Tom froze.

He turned into a statue.

Gwen gasped.

She sank to her knees.

Oh no, what had she just done?

She looked at her hands, which had sparks of purple dust floating around them.

What was she?

Was she a magician?

A sorcerer?

A witch?

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