Book 1, Chapter 4, Part B

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Suddenly, a guy ran up to her. "Yo princess committee, we've got a guy not on the list, but he won't go away! Maybe you can talk to him!"

"You deal with him," Gwen complained. "Can't you see I'm in the middle of a romantic moment?"

"I'm the nephew of Mrs. Gum, you know that crazy math teacher everyone hates. I can ask her to boost your marks..."

That did it!

"OK." Gwen nodded.

She turned and saw a black hooded figure in the corner, an univintee. She had to make sure he left, the dang party crasher.

Her stomach tied in knots at the thought of asking him to leave. The last time she saw a black hooded figure, his whole entire arm came off. Not a pleasant memory.

"Well?" demanded the nephew of Mrs. Gum.

"I'm going, I'm going," she said. "Don't hassle me."

"Yeah, whatever, just get the job done."

Gwen came closer to the black hooded figure.

"Excuse me," she called. "Excuse me!" The second time, she called louder.

There was no response.

Gwen walked all the way up to him until there was only an inch between them.

"Sir, I don't think you were invited, you don't even go to this school" she trembled. "You better leave, please, so Mrs. Gum can give me extra marks. Hello?"

Was it even listening?

At last, it looked up. What she saw made her gasp.

Definitely, déja-vu!

Its glowing yellow eyes, its crooked mouth that looked like it was experimented on by multiple scientists and stitched back together, its sharp teeth that could cut through flesh, its greenish-gray skin that looked like melted earwax, its signature ring, the way it "uhhed" instead of speaking coherently, its hypnotizing powers that made time stand still and kept you rooted in one spot, whether in fear or awe...and most importantly, its need for brains.

Gwen fumbled a step back, the scream stuck in her throat.

A zombie!

"Run for your lives!" A guy with glasses screamed all of a sudden. "They're everywhere! They'll eat your brains! Let's all hideout in the drains!"

The whole gym went into full on panic mode.

At the moment, the gym's windows crashed and in came pouring what seemed about a thousand zombies. Maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration but still there was a lot!

Everyone was running everywhere for the exits, whether through the bathroom, gym change rooms and or through the gym teacher's private room.

A lot of guys ran through the girl's change room and a lot of girls ran through the guy's change room.

Gwen made a mental note to take a stab at Nina J and question her why, of all people, she went into a sweaty guy area? For crying out loud, she wasn't even near that exit! Must be some other reason. Ew.

But right now, Gwen needed to find her friend.

The sight was disturbing and life therapy was needed to heal everyone involved. The zombie's were eating people's brains. They weren't fast at all, but certainly strong.

A wounded sophomore fell to his knees as a zombie closed in on him, ready to rip his arm off.

Gwen could only stare in shock. Then she snapped out of it, ran up to him, grabbed his hand, helped him walk and get to exit B13.

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