Book 1, Chapter 2

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School was beginning and Gwen Antello had chosen a dark fancy blazer, long black tee and dark blue jeans that were designed like overalls.

She wore blue sneakers and had her long black hair slicked in a ponytail. She grabbed a sugary doughnut with tons of sprinkles and started devouring it as her breakfast. Her mom had also given her lunch money.

"Mom, school's going to start! Bye!" Gwen called.

Her school wasn't far so she walked.

As she arrived at school, she saw a limo park outside of the building. And out came the most beautiful boy she had ever seen.

He wore a handsome blue royal coat paired with khaki jeans and black boots. His hair was a wavy, curlish blonde. His smile was worth a billion dollars and those sweet glittering hazelnut eyes...

She walked over to him, "accidently" dropping her books.

He snapped his fingers.

His bodyguards picked up the books. Oh, she was expecting him to do it.

"I'm Roy St. Royals, from the rich side of town." He flashed his dazzling, bare white teeth. "This is Fredrick and John, my guards; they'll interfere if a jock's bullying me," he laughed.

She laughed too.

But a red haired girl, presumably Fiancée, since Gwen saw this girl with Heidi at the fondue place, came up to him.

"Oh, Roy," she cooed and kissed him on the cheek. Then she licked his cheek where she placed the kiss. Clearly marking her territory like a sick twisted obsessed freak.

"I'm Fiancée," She snapped. "You are---?"

"Heidi's BFFL, Gwen Antello," Gwen said.

"Oh, the more the merrier," She sneered. "Let's meet with Heidi and Jill. Bye Roy."

Gwen and Fiancée caught up with Heidi and Jill.

"No, I think the menu should be all vegetarian," Heidi was saying.

"All meat!" Jill argued. "If all meat were allowed, I'd rip off Doom 3's heads, keep them in my room, mounted on the wall as trophies and eat their bodies."

Heidi felt faint.

"Ewwwww, Jill, that's absolutely disgusting!" Heidi said, revolted.

"I live for disgust." Jill mumbled. "And sirloin and steak and bunnies, especially the feet of bunnies---"

"Seriously, please stop," Heidi begged.

"OK, fine," Jill said, all gloomy. "You're no fun. My old friends loved steak and eating bunnies."

"Maybe 'cause they were in the mental club," Heidi snapped.

Eating bunnies? The idea made her faint!

Fiancée butt in. "Did you guys hear about the fall dance? 'Look your best?' It's all over the school!"

Surely enough, the girls passed by a poster with a faceless girl in a tiara, brown hair in a bun and an olive colored dress. A British clothed boy, also with no visible facial features was twirling with her. The headline read, "Welcome back, students! Celebrating your upcoming success with a dance. Theme: To be Determined. So far, it's a surprise." Then in even smaller letters, it said "Extra volunteers needed."

"We all heard about it," Heidi rolled her eyes. "Principal Tiger sent the memo."

"I didn't receive it." Gwen said.

"You were on vacation." Heidi told her.

"Well, shouldn't we volunteer?" Gwen offered.

"No way, it's a lot of work!" Heidi complained. "I need time for pedicures!"

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