Book 1, Chapter 6

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"Nothing interesting has happened in weeks," Heidi complained, eating fries.

"Agreed," Fiancée said, totally bored and not caring.

Suddenly, Jill came running in. She was on the verge of tears. Her black mascara was also dripping down her face.

"What's wrong, Jill?" Gwen asked, impatiently. She was more eager to eat her fries than listen to whatever the heck Jill wanted to say.

"I'm moving!" Jill blubbered. "In less than a month. To Alaska. I don't wanna go!" She wailed.

"Calm down," Fiancée said, rising from her seat. "Jill, finally you move. No offense. Personally, I thought you were a weirdo. There, my true nature said."

Fiancée sat down, and began sipping her iced tea, happily.

"Gwen, be a dear and get me salad," Fiancée ordered.

"No, get it yourself," Gwen said in a flat voice.

Fiancée glared.

"Guys, avert the tension!" Heidi said. "I know how to make our lives interesting! Let's get manicures! Or do yoga."

"Not more of this," Fiancée groaned, inwardly. It was too low for Heidi to hear.

"What about me?" Jill butt in. "But I guess you don't care! Consider our friendship terminated! Losers!"

She ran off to join the goths who seemed to feel more sympathetic for her.

Fiancée slammed a paper down, not giving a crap about Jill's departure. "Tonight's the Club Frenzy. Happens once a year for the popular people! They party like crazy on that day. Whaddya say we go?"

"Sure," Gwen shrugged her shoulders, sipping her orange juice.

Fiancée smiled evilly, and instantly Gwen realized she fell into a trap.

"Nina J's personal driver is driving us, unless you want to get driven by your mom, little girl," Fiancée snickered to herself.

Why's she always gotta be so mean?

"No, I don't mind being in a car with Nina J." Gwen said, smoothly. Then she turned to Heidi. "What about you?"

Heidi's raised her eyebrows. "You kidding? Nina J's terribly mean. I'm getting a ride from Anthony."

"Ooh! Older guy," Fiancée said, dreamily. "Sweet!"

Actually, Anthony's about our age. Gwen thought to herself. His dad is driving both him and Heidi to the club but there's no way Heidi would say that. Not to Fiancée at least.

"Did he ever drive illegally?" Fiancée wondered.

"Err...I'm not sure," Heidi said. Actually, Anthony can't drive at all!

"What about you?" Heidi changed the subject. "Fiancée, do you have a date?"

Fiancée flicked her hair, looking annoyed. "If you mean moved on from Roy, then yes I did," she simply said. "I met a new guy. He's a barman. His name's Daniel Evercrest. He's sooo good looking! Better than Roy!"

She took out a photo of her and Daniel together.

"Isn't he handsome?" Fiancée cooed.

Daniel was handsome but he had these crazy wild, animalistic evil eyes...yep, he was made for someone like Fiancée.

"Did I mention he can drive like your Anthony?" Fiancée gushed.

Gwen snorted. "Well duh. He's a barman!"

"Don't talk to me, freak!" Fiancée snapped.

"I'm just stating the obvious," Gwen snapped back.

"State it where it needs to be stated."

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