Book 1, Chapter 5

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As Gwen entered the interior of the grave, she saw Stuphofor for the very first time and immediately wanted to un-see the hideous creep and wipe him from her memory.

He was tall, taller than all his bozo zombie crew. He wore a chain-cut killer outfit that Jill would totally go for.

"" Stuphofor uhhed, sort of.

Wow, I thought they couldn't speak English, Gwen thought to herself.

She braced herself for the worst.

"I'm Gwen," she said. "Your people are killing my people."

Stuphofor just laughed sickly.

"I fail to see how that is my problem. We love brains. It's what we do. It makes us...what is the word...ah yes, stronger, alive,"

Yadda, yadda, old man, sheesh, get a life!

"I do have a life." He licked the blood off his lips. "Many in fact, more than a human like you ever could."

Then he continued, cutting into Gwen's thoughts. "Poor gravedigger. This week, a new one's coming. More joy for me," He sighed. "But your brain's pretty healthy, too."

He stepped closer.

Gwen stepped back.

"Look," she managed. "My uncle will give you all the brains you want, if you stop killing people. He has a whole drawer of them."

"Are they dead...or alive?"

"Alive," she lied. Does it really matter, douchebag?

"Somehow, I do not believe you." His English accent was très horrible.

"I do what I like," he continued, then he roared and slammed the rocks. They caved in, effectively trapping Gwen with a brain eating monster. There was no light, she couldn't see!

Suddenly, something flung her into the sharp edges of the rocks. She felt her head smack first into the jagged edges and it stung!

Oh no, she thought, desperately, trying not to cry. What if I have a crack in my forehead? I bet he can smell my brain!

Stuphofor pressed down his ugly hand hard onto her forehead. "You bet I can smell your brain," he snarled, pressing down with so much pressure, Gwen started seeing stars. The rocks were better.

Was he a mindreader, too?!

She kicked him weakly, then harder the second time. Gwen rolled over to one side. As she did that, the diabolical spray fell out of her grasp. She made a grab for it, but his strong foot stomped down with force on one of her hands.

There was a crack and the next minute, she couldn't feel her fingers.

"Ow! Ow!" She screamed. She whipped her glossy, long hair around and whacked the green lunatic straight in the eye, causing it to go red around the edges.

"Err!" He roared, falling into a pile of boulders.

Lying low on the ground, Gwen picked up a knife and sliced off his feet as he remained knocked out and breathless. Green blood poured out.

She felt so numb that the knife slipped out of her hand without needing to be let go.

"Sweet pea, didn't my minions tell you, we can grow skin?"

His feet started to re-appear!

Ew, now she needed to decontaminate the poor knife. Also, was he a zombie? Or an alien?!

"You'll know what I am when you're dead, you snot!" he shouted and threw rocks at her.

The force of the rocks sent her flying back into deep water.

Eww! It wasn't water at all, it was blood! The dead bodies of the people Stuphofor ate. Disgusting!

Gwen managed with all her might to successfully grab the diabolical spice spray.

Stuphofor froze.

"Say goodbye!" She said.

What a fight. Quite short, but still one. She thought. Although, it was mostly me being bashed around and almost killed.

She sprayed him. At the heart.

Stuphofor was gone.


The idiot was finally gone.

In total darkness, Gwen found the exit, and stumbled out of the tomb, feeling extremely weak and fatigued.

"Gwen, we need to get you to a doctor!" Heidi said, worried.

"I'm fine," Gwen tried to say weakly.

"Clearly, you're not, sis," Even Jake looked concerned. "You need help. Don't deny it."

Gwen nodded, not bothering to fight with either one of them.

As they walked, with Gwen limping, to a doctor, they noticed there were puddles of melted zombie guts everywhere.

Good riddance.

A reporter ran to a puddle and the cameraman began zooming in on it. "A dirty prank by emo jerks gone wrong," the reporter said. Bla bla bla...


Miss. Sydney treated her. She was Heidi's doctor.

"My, oh my! What happened?" Miss. Sydney asked, shocked.

"Err, I fell." Gwen lied. Technically, it was kind of true.

Miss. Sydney applied some remedies that helped to sooth the pain.

"There, get better," She said, gently. "Rest, OK? You should explain this to your mother."

Gwen agreed.

When her mother asked her what happened, Gwen responded with the fact that she fell.

Grace was also really concerned about the broken windows. Gwen lied and said it was burglars. Grace mumbled that they needed to install cameras. She also felt horrible for leaving Jake home all alone.

Roy became a gentleman and donated money to the Antello family so Grace could get the windows fixed. She also snuck in an evening at the spa with Roy's cash!

For a while, everything was perfect. Everyone seemed to have forgotten about the zombie episode and it was brushed under the rug by the mayor as some nasty prank by immature highschoolers...a vigil was held for those lost in the "prank", Gwen started healing, and things started to go back to normal. It was as if Gwen's life was going back to what it used to be before the zombie outbreak. Things were starting to become perfect.

But things are never perfect. No, not when there's so much evil in the world. And a certain somebody was watching her from the shadows, waiting.

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