Book 1, Chapter 3, Part B

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Uncle Alan wasn't that far. In fact, Gwen walked there even if she was afraid to do so. However every step she took just getting there made her paranoid.

There was garlic around his doorsteps. Other than that, his house looked normal. The garlic itself was barely noticeable...if you stood very far from the house.

Gwen belled the door, and Uncle Alan appeared, looking a lot like a mad scientist.

"Dear niece!" Alan said, in joy, "What brings you here?"

"Err...I saw a green skinned person's arm fall off. My mom sent me to you, because you've been taking therapy lessons! She thinks you can stir up good advice for me."

"Therapy lessons? I have, oh yes," he flustered.

"Shall I come in?" Gwen asked.

"Err, no, not yet. We'll talk outside." He offered. "I'll get lemonade."

Gwen tried to peek over him but he was successful in covering the door using his whole body.

"It's private," he barked.

Gwen went to wait in a white chair. There was a white table with a yellow umbrella and another white chair on the lawn. Perfect for a company of two.

Alan brought out the lemonade.

The lemonade tasted awful so Gwen decided not to finish it.

"Sorry about that. I'm not much of a cook," he confessed. " saw a green skinned creature, you say?"

The tone in his voice bothered her.

"I'm serious," she said. "I'm not delusional! I went to order stereos and as I was coming back home, this hooded figure dropped a golden ring---"

"A golden ring, you say?"

"Yeah, but that's not the problem. I grabbed the ring and decided to give it back to him. Big mistake, oh man. I don't think he understood English because he just looked confused. So I foolishly grabbed his hand when first of all, we shouldn't even be touching strangers, and then I tried to put the ring on him and BAM! It flew off!"

"The ring flew off?"

"NO, the hand! Actually, the whole entire arm decapitated itself! It was really green...and the blood was also green! Oh my, I'm so creeped out, I'll need life therapy to get over this!"

Alan was deep in thought.

"I'll give you advice," he said, slowly. "Why don't you come in?"

Gwen obeyed.

They both walked into the house.

The interior of the house had lots of garlic hanging all over it, from the walls to the ceilings and even floors. The house also had all kinds of freaky things to ward off deadly spirits. The decoration really needs some work.

"But mom said you took therapy?"

"I lied to get my constant nagging sister off my back," he said.

Downstairs, the basement was huge. There were piles of chemicals and huge test tubes that looked like they contained chips. There was even a weapons wall...and a cage.

"What are those chips?" She demanded.

But Alan ignored her. He went searching in a cupboard. "Here, diabolical spice."

"Pepper spice?" She asked, confused as she grabbed it.

It looked like ordinary spice spray.

"No, diabolical spice," Alan corrected. "It appears we have a zombie case. I've dealt with this before. If you spray this on them...first, take off their ring...then they will melt! It's as simple as that! Just make sure they don't eat your brains!"

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