[🍯] seungmin centric: our baby

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ʚ seungmin x skz ɞ✎ fluff✎-INNIEOLOGY's request!✎summary :: seungmin didn't want to slip during practice

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ʚ seungmin x skz ɞ
✎ fluff
-INNIEOLOGY's request!
✎summary :: seungmin didn't want to slip during practice. his members tried to help his slip and they all go home.
✎1086 words
✗warnings :: none !
✐author's note :: uwu (little space)

"five, six, seven, eight!!" the choreographer yelled over the music. 

even though they don't have a planned comeback at the moment, they had to rehearse for the end of year shows. the eight of them know the choreography really well as they've done it hundreds of times. just little changes here and there to make it different and show their fans and others that they can do more than what they are capable of.

everyone was working together with mistakes here and there. their choreographer suggested that they should work on it on their own or in a small group. chan decided that, since danceracha already got most of the choreography memorized, that they should split up. two members will go with one member of danceracha. with an exception of one member pairing up with a danceracha member. jisung and chan went with minho, changbin and jeongin went with felix, and seungmin went with hyunjin. splitting the practice room into thirds, they began their working on the dance once more. 

the others picked up the dance more easily, but seungmin was still struggling with a couple of the moves. falling to the ground because he messed up, he sighed. hyunjin quickly ran to him and that alerted the other members. they all ran around him, asking if he was okay, and checking for any injuries.

"i'm okay, i'm okay,..." the puppy kept repeating to reassure them. 

seungmin stood up and continued to practice. the seven other boys went back to practicing cautiously, while hyunjin kept both eyes on seungmin.

another couple hours go by and seven out of eight members were able to dance on beat without messing up. the eighth member was still struggling, even with the main dancers' help. it was almost three in the morning and seungmin just wanted to go home to rest. but they couldn't do that until all of them understand the dance. frustrated, the ravenette ran out of the practice room with a scream. he ran to a random bathroom as tears blurred his vision. this startled his member. they stood still, staring at the door before realizing what just happened. looking back at each other, they ran to find their little puppy.

splitting up, they looked around their company. looking in different rooms and asking seniors if they've seen seungmin. everyone knows who the puppy was, but none of them saw where he went. 

walking from room to room, felix hears sniffling coming from one of the bathrooms. 

seungmin? what is he doing in here? the blonde wondered. the bathroom was sorta far from their usual practice room. "minnie baby. are you in here?" the older asked softly. 

"nuu minnie not hewe...i-i mean here," the little didn't want to be found.

felix looked under the stalls and recognized seungmin's shoes. he knocked on the door and heard it unlock. the door opened slowly and felix's heart broke when he saw seungmin on the floor. tear streaks covered the ravenette's chubby cheeks. 

"oh minnie. come here," the older opened his arms to embrace the younger. 

not wanting to slip, seungmin buried his face into his knees. felix frowned and went to pick seungmin up. 

"no no no, put me down. pwease wixie," seungmin whined. 

he was on the verge of slipping and felix babying him wasn't helping. not wanting any trouble, felix put seungmin on his feet. 

"come on, let's go back to the others. they're worried about you."

felix kept hearing seungmin taking deep breaths. while they were walking back, he texted the others that he found their puppy. felix pulled chan aside and told the older about how seungmin didn't want to slip. this led to chan pulling the other members to the side and telling them about seungmin's situation. seungmin, on the other hand, was clueless and continued on practicing the same part over and over. the seven of them decided to baby their puppy so he would slip. they all knew that it would cause problems if seungmin tried to stop his little side. turning back to seungmin, all of their hearts melted. 

seungmin was sitting in front of the mirror with his eyes sparkling as he examined the reflection. the seven of them didn't need to baby him to get the little to come out. they will just baby the baby. circling him, seungmin looked up at them. all of them cooed when he pouted. 

jeongin ran to his bag and came back with seungmin's yellow paci and a puppy stuffie. the youngest knew that seungmin wanted the dummy whenever he pouted. the stuffie was just a bonus. seungmin smiled happily and started playing with the puppy while mumbling incoherent words to himself. 

"we should just go home. there's no point in staying when the one who needs to learn is too stressed," jisung stated. 

agreeing, chan pick up the little and put him on the couch. hyunjin and felix took turns watching him while the others gathered their belongings. changbin had his stuff and went to retrieve seungmin's things. once done, chan picked him up again. the short walk to the car was not so good. people who were still in the building would give them an odd look. seungmin hid his face in chan's neck and hoodie. 

tears started to gather and chan knew it. inside the car was a smaller mess. the tears didn't stop rolling off the little's chubby cheeks, no matter how many times chan wiped them with his sleeve. the members had to split into two cars, so the ones with seungmin tried to make him feel better. chan, jeongin, and hyunjin started tickling him and making all sorts of noises to see the smile come back to seungmin's little face. eventually, all their hard work payed off and seungmin was giggling again. for no particular reason. seungmin just looked at everyone in the van and let out the cutest giggles. the members and their manager all cooed and melted from his cuteness. 

back at their dorm, they gave seungmin all of their attention. even though it was four in the morning. they played with him, gave him small treats, and fed him his warm milk. the little eventually grew too tired to keep his eyes open. he snuggled into minho's arms and cuddled his stuffie. chan tucked the younger members, plus changbin, into bed while minho slept with little minnie in his arms. his face squished onto the older's chest, listening to the steady heartbeat like it was his lullaby. 


written by: alkina | edited by: moon

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