I promise she is nice

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Aprils' POV

Euphoria; the experience of pleasure or excitement and intense feelings of well-being and happiness.

That is what I'm feeling. I'm in a state of euphoria. How could I not be?

I'm with the men of my dreams, in a house I've dreamt of seeing before, about to tell the world he is mine. It all just feels perfect.

So freaking much has happened since I met Colby, and it's only been two weeks and 3 days. This past week, after the Luna ceremony, I spent most of my time with pack members that either didn't work or worked around the pack house and I also spent a lot of time in the pack's kindergarten with the pups.

They are so cute it hurts, and also might have given me major baby fever, but I always find a way to remember that I'm only 17 and a baby is still a few years away on my plans.

I'm thinking of convincing Colby to get a dog, if not for me, for Tina, because she seems to not understand the words "Too young to have a child". I was wondering around the backyards when Colby called for me to come back, as he had finished preparing everything.

I walked back to the sofa where he was and hugged his waist.

"Are you ready little wolf?" I smiled.
"As ready as I'll ever be."

He started the camera and we sat down.

"What's up guys, Colby Brock here, and today we have a very special guest as you can see. Some of you might have seen her around on the boys'  insta, and I think it is time for me to officially introduce her. This gorgeous lady beside me is April, my girlfriend. And no, this isn't a prank nor a joke. I hope you all can give her a chance, I promise she is nice." I laughed.

"Hi everyone, before you hate me, I'd just like to say that not long ago I was in the same place as you all are right now, watching Colby and the others through my computer. So I know how you must be feeling, but I promise that I will take care of him and never, ever, hurt him. I also promise not to let him go on walks in the middle of the night barefoot either. I don't know about you all, but when I saw that he had kicked a freaking cactus running back to his hotel after going on a walk alone barefoot at God knows what time, it left me in anguish." Colby let out a laugh.

"I think I learned my lesson with that one, but anyways, so I thought that it would be fun to make you answer some random questions I gathered for everyone to see a bit of your personality ."

"Sounds good to me."

"Some of these are serious and some are just because, are you ready?" I nodded "So, what is your 'role' on your friend group?"

"I'm sort of a mix between the bookworm and the mom. Because I don't go bossing my friends around or whatever, but I like to make sure everyone is alright, you know? And I also like to be prepared for emergencies so I carry a bunch of stuff with me, like medicine for incase someone feels bad or has cramps, band-aids, tampons and so on." I chuckled "But at the same time, there were times my friends would come over to check if I was alive because I would spend a whole weekend reading without even glancing at my phone."

"Great, that means I have some shoes to fit in, trying to fill you expectations based on fictional characters from the books you've read." I laughed "Next question, if you could see into the future, would you?" I pondered over it a bit.
"There are somethings happening right now  that worries me a bit." We exchanged a look "But I don't think I would. Because if I see something I don't like, I'll just suffer more."

"Fair enough. Alright, what is one item that you would bring to a deserted island?"
"Ohhh I know my answer to this, this one is rom that interview from that "Bestie pick my bae" or something like that right?" He laughed and nodded. " I'd take you."
"Me?!" He said with an amused face.

"Yeah, you. I know technically you're not an item but still. Think about it. You are a great climber, so you could grab fruits for us on the trees, you could swim and find a way to catch us fish. If there is something dangerous in the island, you can protect me, and with you I wont be bored nor go insane."

"That's... actually really smart." I smiled "Another one from the interview. What would we dress up as together on Halloween?"
"We would go as my favorite fictional couple, Morticia and Gomez Addams."
"AH great choice, I like it. Okay, this next one is going to be more serious. What is your opinion on the LGBTQ+ community?"

"I honestly don't think my opinion should matter, because I'm not part of it, so I don't know their struggles and difficulties throughout their lives, but every single one of them have my most utter respect and support. People shouldn't be judged by who they love, how they dress or whether they were born with the wrong gender. I only ever judge someone by their personality, which is what really counts." He just smiled and gave my hand a squeeze.

"If you could win a life-time supply of anything, what would it be?"
"That's a hard one" He chuckled "But I think it'd be...  Vanilla ice-cream. Since it is my favorite flavor and I can add anything to it and it would still be delicious."
"Alright, I see your point. What super power would you have if you could have any?"
"I think super speed, because it opens a lot of doors, just aske Barry Allen. The guy has one super power, and yet can travel through time and space, and if he ran at a certain velocity, his punch could even destroy all the planets across the universe." He nodded.

"Okay, last question. Do you believe in aliens?"
"I think so. We can't be alone in the universe, right?"
"True. Alright, that's it. Any thing else you'd like to say?"
"I don't think so , no." I smiled.
"Okay, the that is it for today guys. I'll see you all next week. Peace." We both blew a kiss to the camera and he stopped recording. "I love you, you know that, right?"
"I know, and I love you too." I pecked his lips.

He kissed my shoulder, on my mark.

"Do you want to go now or do you wanna chill here for a little?" He asked.
"Let's stay here for a while. It's only 5 pm, we could go for a swim."
"Do you have a bikini?" He raised his eyebrow.
"Nope, but I'm wearing underwear, it's almost the same thing." I smirked and got up.

I took off my shoes then started to slowly lift my shirt over my head. I saw him take a deep breath and laughed. I bent down and took off my jeans as well, so now I was standing half naked in front of him. I started to make my way to the pol.

"Aren't you coming?"


Hi everyone!!! Thanks for reading!!! I'm sorry I took so long with this one, I actually finished writing it about two weeks ago, but I wanted to post it on my birthday.


Anyways, the things April says in this chapter are my opinion, so if I offended anyone somehow, I'm sorry!!! Love you all!! Stay safe!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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