5 || Not the right idea

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It had been more than four hours and San's shift was to finish in a few minutes. Yunho had seemed to develop a different sort of liking to the drink San made him earlier that he had asked for another one. And another one. And another one.

The drink though light, had gotten Yunho easily drunk on the second one. So now San can tell his alcohol tolerance was really bad. He had tried to stop Yunho from drinking more but he was stubborn and his friend, Wooyoung was no where near a help, already drunk while the raven haired guy handled him on the other side. What kind of a friend was he when he said he was here? No one knows the answer anymore.

"Heyyyy, SannieEeeeee! I wannnnnt to drink morrrree!" San slammed his hand on the counter Yunho laid his head on with a slight stern look. "You're not drinking anymore." San said sternly while Yunho gave a bit puppy pout, eyes almost showing that he will cry if not. He had to do something soon. He looked at his friend Wooyoung and the other guy. The other guy seemed a little troubled himself but was probably preparing to take Yunho's friend home.

San gave him a look as he returned a half happy half cry smile. San nodded in understanding before he told his friend Hongjoong that he'll be leaving a few minutes earlier. Hongjoong understanding the situation really well told him he'll cover the few minutes for him before giving him a goodluck pat on his shoulder. "Take care, he looks like a really difficult one to handle from his amount of cuteness."

San gave him a smile before he asked Hongjoong to hold Yunho at the counter till he comes back. San went and changed his uniform immediately before coming out to find Yunho at the counter while he tried getting out of Hongjoong's grip. "Nooooo! I want to goooo with Sannie!!! Uncle leave meeeeee!!!" Yunho shouted at Hongjoong. "Hey I'm not your uncle! See Sannie came! Go now! Go! Leave me!" Hongjoong breathed relief as soon as San came and shoved Yunho at San who gladly got shoved as well.

"Sannie!!! This uncle kidnapped me!! He didn't let me go with you~" San surprised at what Yunho said just chuckled while Yunho clung to him like a koala. "Okay, Sannie came now. Let's go." San gave Hongjoong an apologetic look to which he received a glare in return from the shorter one. San immediately hooked Yunho's arm around his shoulder before he started walking.

"SANNIE!!" Yunho shouted while San dragged him. "Yes?" He mumbled. "SANNIEEE!!" Yunho shouted again giggling a little. "Yes Yunho?" San replied again, sighing. "SANNIEEEEEEEE, SANNIE, SANNIE, SANNIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Yunho kept babbling his name loudly while people outside the club now gave him looks. "Yunho please stop shouting, my ears won't last for long." San said to Yunho but he seemed as if everything went above his head and continued shouting his name. Suddenly, a new series of sentences started leaving Yunho's mouth in the process causing San to blush.

"SANNIEEE IS CUTIEPIE! SANNIE IS REALLY REALLY HANDSOME. YUNHO LOVES SANNIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! YUNHO LOVES SANNIE ALOT!!!" Yunho kept shouting and trying to pull San's cheeks and by now San was all red as a tomato. San finally managed to get Yunho inside his car which was difficult since Yunho wouldn't leave him. By now San felt like a babysitter of a giant baby.

Getting on the driver's seat San started the car and as soon as he did Yunho started singing. "I'm in Loveeee~~ hu~hu~huhu~" The seat belts were fixed properly and so Yunho wasn't creating much chaos for now until he opened the car window and starting singing loudly.

"I'm in love hu~hu~huhu~" San was going crazy by now. He sure was going to be found behind bars if Yunho continued this. And Yunho won't stop. So he had to drive him home as fast as he can. After a few minutes, San felt Yunho's singing to grow lower in volume. He glanced at the other. He felt tired by now. Breaking into a small laugh San shook his head before looking back at the road.

By the time San reached his apartment Yunho had already passed out. Coming out of the car, San opened Yunho's door and unbuckled the seat belt before putting his dead weight of his arm above his shoulder and getting him out of the car. He started walking and waited for the lift. By the time the lift came San had detected out Yunho's keys from his pocket and found the apartment number and floor.

San was tired by now, Yunho was a little heavy for him but he managed. He unlocked the door and entered inside. Yunho kept mumbling incoherent words in his sleep while San got him to his room. He laid Yunho down on the bed before taking his shoes off and keeping them on the side. Tucking Yunho in his bed and making sure he was comfortable, San looked at his face closely for a bit.

It wasn't as if this was the first time he did something like this. He had gotten Yunho to his home once as well before while he was asleep but today it felt different. That day when San had seen him there at the bench he hadn't asked the reason of his tear stained face. Not just because he was a stranger but because he easily understood that face.

Cause if he didn't get it he could have asked it later as well, and seeing that Yunho felt quite comfortable with him maybe he would have gotten the answer to it as well. But, one who knows something doesn't ask about it, does he? He knew Yunho probably went through a heartbreak. He could see it in his eyes most of the time and especially that night.

He knew this look all too well. He had experienced it, not directly but indirectly. Years ago when he had been with a guy named Mingi. Mingi was a culinary student, reason why he knows how to cook so nice now. Mingi had taught him alot on their home dates. He had been a really rebellious guy. and a total playboy. He had had a bet with his friends and that included asking out Mingi, the cute innocent guy, and after a month break up with him.

He had succeeded in the bet but that day of his success there had been his biggest failure as well. He remembers that all too broken look in Mingi's eyes. He remembers the slap on his right cheek. He remembers his own anger at that. At how stupid Mingi acted. At how stupid he was to believe that Mingi was the stupid one when it was him. But when he was gone, he actually understood how important he was to him. How much Mingi had changed him from just one month of closeness that he considered a game. But the other considered true love.

He hadn't had the courage to love anyone again after that day. What if he ended up hurting that person again? San looked at Yunho's face for a little while, before he shook his head and got up. He should probably go home now. As he got up though,he felt something pull at his hand. Turning around to look down he saw it was Yunho's hand wrapped around his own.

San smiled a little bitterly, before he bent down again and carefully removed his hand out of Yunho's. Giving one last glance to Yunho, San went outside his room and out of the apartment. It wasn't the right idea to like someone again. He won't like him back anyway. Not after knowing what he was.

Hey guys! I finally updated this chapter and I swear I love it so much cause it was so fun to write Yunho this way. I swear I wasn't able to stop myself writing this but I had to or else the chapter would have gotten too long and probably boring even. Let me know how you guys felt about this one. Stay safe, smile and take care ❤️❤️❤️

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