Chapter 15 - The Girls

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~Liam's POV~

I wake up feeling all groggy and horrible, realising how much fun we had last night I laugh to myself a little. I check my phone and realise what day it is.. El and Dani are coming today!!

I jump up as Louis sorta collapses down on the sofa from where he was leaning on me and I chuckle. I run for the shower. In ultra quick speed I get showered, changed and feel weirdly fresh after such a mad night last night.

Management are picking the girls up to save them getting quite so mobbed, so I decide to wake up Louis.. Nicely of course!

"LOUIS GET UP OH MY GOD LOUIS GET UP NOW!" I scream from the bedroom.

"WHAT?! LIAM WHERE ARE YOU?! WHATS WRONG?!" I heard him frantically running towards me. Just as he reaches the bedroom door, I jump out from behind it and chuck a cup of water on him.

He gasps as the cold water hits him and stands there in shock for a moment. I take this chance to run before he starts chasing me.

"LIAM! YOU TWAT! GET BACK HERE NOW!" he shouts as he chases me through, just as Alice comes out of the shower. I grab her and push her in front of me so she's between me and Liam.

"Woahh! What the hell is going on here?" She laughs.

"He's trying to kill me Alice! HELP MEE!" I hide behind her as Louis shoots me daggers.

"Louuiss!" Alice warns him.

"He woke me up by screaming at me then chucking a cup of cold water in my face!!!" He angrily explains.

"Liam! Why'd you do that?!" Alice turns and asks me.

"Err.. A bit of fun.." I say and then burst out laughing.. As does Alice.. And eventually Louis!

"Okay! Okay! I can't stay mad at you!" Louis says as he tries to stop laughing. "Love you Liamm!"

I run over to him and give him a big hug.

"Right.. Can I leave you two with your bromance safely now?" Alice laughs as she walks off to the girls' bedroom.

"So.. Why did you wake me up in the first place Liam?" Louis looks at me.



"Well they should be arriving in.. 3 HOURS! SHIT! We'd better get the bus a bit cleaner.." I panic.

"Liam! Calm down! You wake everybody up, and I'll start picking up the rubbish." He goes off to start helping.

I wake Zayn up first.. Hoping he's not just going to be throwing up the whole day.. Luckily he just seems really groggy and tired.

I then get to the pile of Niall, Paige, Flora and Harry.


~Flora's POV~


He's just standing there chuckling while we're all standing up shivering.

"Eleanor and Danielle are gonna be here in a few hours so we need to get tidied up.. I did TRY shaking you.." He explains.

"Ugh fine!" I groan.

"BAGSY SHOWERING FIRST!" Paige yells, as she runs to the bathroom. Biatch.

I help tidy up while Paige's in the shower.


Once we're all freshened up and dressed and the bus looks reasonably tidy and clean, it's only like 20 minutes until Eleanor and Danielle are meant to arrive.

We sit down and order a Chinese since it's 3:40 and we're all starving. The boys have a gig tonight but it's only later on, so we have plenty of time. We hear a knock on the tour bus door and Louis literally leaps off his seat and runs to the door. There stand Danielle and Eleanor smiling.

Louis picks up Eleanor and spins her round and kisses her. While Liam goes over and takes Danielle into a huge hug.

'Awh.' I think to myself. 'They're so cute!'

"Hey!" Eleanor smiles as she comes up to me.

"Hey! How was your flight?" I ask

"It was alright, long though! Luckily we had a really fit guy as the air host person thingy." She winks.

"Hey!" Louis pouts and we just laugh.

We get the Chinese and catch up with the girls as we eat.

"Right boys! Time to get ready!" Paul shouts at the door.

"You're coming to watch tonight.. Right?" Harry smirks at me.

"Of course!" I give him a quick peck. "Now go get ready!"

He smiles as the boys wander off to wardrobe and hair.

Me and the girls decide we might as well get ready too, this concert's gonna be really big tonight and we're sitting in the front row.

We all have brand new dresses that Eleanor and Danielle bought us at the shopping bit in the airport on. They're stunning!

We're all ready to go and the doors open to the fans in 45 minutes so we get to go backstage and see the boys for a bit.

"Hey.. Wow! That dress is gorgeous! When'd you get that?" Harry asks me, slightly confused

"Awh, thanks! And Dani and El bought us all dresses." I smile.

"Ah! That was nice of them!" he grabs me and pulls me onto his lap. He gives me a soft but long kiss.

"I love you so much Flora.. I never want to lose you." He rests his forehead against mine.

"Awh! Harry stop being such a sop!" I laugh, but then stop and smile. "..but I love you too. So much."

"Right girls, time to take your seats!" Paul shouts to us.

I give Harry one last quick kiss. "Have fun out there!"

We take our seats in the empty arena, which admittedly is pretty awesome! I even started to fangirl a little bit with Paige.

Some weird bell thing rang and I'm guessing that was their 'The doors are opening. WATCH OUT.' alarm.

Seconds later, fans start pouring in at high speed, pushing and shoving to get to their seats.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2013 ⏰

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