Chapter 12 - Good News

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~Niall's POV~

"I just came over with dinner to see you guys before you go on tour." He smiles.

"How come you didn't tell us?" Zayn asks.

"I told Niall so he could make sure you were all here, but I wanted to surprise you. Right let's eat this Chinese before it gets cold!" he laughs

We all start chatting and eating at the dining table.

"So how did you meet my boys Paige? And Flora?" he looks at her.

"Erm.. Well long story short, my car broke down and Niall and Harry took me to a garage and offered me a place to stay for a week. And now these guys have become the best friends I have. Oh and I met Flora a years ago and I bumped into her at milkshake city!" She smiles.

The rest of the night goes pretty well I think. Even Alice joins in some of the conversations, she seems really nice too.

"Right, I'd better be going now, but Niall.. It's a yes from me!" he jokes as he winks and says bye to everyone. 

"Thank you Simon." I say to him as I walk to the door with him.

"Well I can tell you really love her don't you? From the way you look at her and everything. Same with Harry and Flora. Tell The others.. they can take their girls too. See you soon Niall. Take care." He said as he hugged me and walked to his car.

"Niall? It's a yes for what?" The boys were all stood in the kitchen stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"It's a yes as in.. We're allowed to bring our girls with us on tour." I smile as I grab Paige and kiss her.

"..That is.. If you want to?" I ask, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"OF COURSE I DO!" she jumps up and flings her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

"Good." I laugh.

Harry turns to Flora,

"Do you.. erm.. y'know.. want to.. em.. come with us? With.. Me?"

"Yes! I'd love to!" she hugs Harry tightly.

"What about you Alice?" I turn to her.

"Erm.. Well you guys don't really know me and I don't really know all yous, so I don't think I should." 

"Please!" Zayn quickly turns to her. "Please come with us! I know we've only just met.. But.. But I really like you Alice. So please come?" 

A smile grows on her face,

"Okay. I'd love to." she grins "and.. I really like you too Zayn." He gives her a peck and she blushes.

"Danielle can't come." Liam looks really sad. He looks like a lost puppy when he's sad. "She's gotta dance on tv.... OH! She just text saying she can come in a month though!" his gave lights up.

"El's the same!" Lou grins.

"Well lads, I think this is going to be the best tour ever!" I smile and everyone cheers.

The next day me and Haz go to pick up Paige's car.

"This is so weird." Paige smiles beside me in the back.

"What is?" I ask.

"This!" she motions around her. "It's how I met you lot!"

"And in a week, you've made 4 new bestfriends." I smile

"4?" she looks at me confused.

"And a boyfriend." I continue.

She smiles and kisses me and I kiss back.

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