Chapter 3 - A Day Out

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~Harry's POV~

I woke up and looked at the clock. It was 8 am but I was wide awake. I decided i'd go downstairs and make a nice breakfast for all of us. I grabbed the flour, milk, eggs and butter and started making pancakes. I was just putting the pancakes on a plate when I heard movement upstairs. "I guess that's Paige up! Just in time." I thought to myself

~Paige's POV~

I woke up to the sunshine beaming in through the cream curtains. I sat up in bed and looked around the room properly for the first time. The room had wooden flooring and three cream walls with one a chocolate brown with a reasonably large window on the left wall There was a brown fluffy rug at the side of the bed and the bedsheets were cream with a brown throw on the bottom of the bed with two brown pillows. There was a huge sliding mirror door wardrobe to the right and a flat-screen tv at the end of the bed.

I got up and put my slippers on. Just as I got to the bottom of the stairs I smelled pancakes and my belly started rumbling.

"Mmhm, smells good!" I complimented as I walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah. They are! Too bad there's none for you!" Harry said with a pout on his face. "Just kidding! Come help yourself."

"Thanks." I grabbed myself a plate and started eating.

"Morning all!" Louis came in wearing bright orange pyjama bottoms.

"Morning Louis." me and Harry chorused.

We chatted while ate our pancakes.

"Right! Go get ready. We're gonna do something fun today!" Louis said enthusiastically after we were all finished breakfast.

"Like what?" Harry asked.

"Don't know yet! Just something fun!" Louis grinned and ran out of the room.

Harry rolled his eyes as I walked up to my room to get ready. I went for a quick shower and threw on my high-waisted denim shorts and tucked in a sleeveless white blouse since it was a nice day. I got my straighteners and used them to curl a few bits of my long blonde hair to give it a natural curl look and put on my makeup. (I don't wear alot. Just concealer, mascara and sometimes eyeliner like today) I slipped on my strappy-brown wedges and grabbed my white (primark) wayfarer sunglasses and my small brown satchel bag and headed downstairs. The boys were sitting waiting as I came down.

"Hel-lo sexy!" Harry's eyes almost popped out of his head. I just rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Shall we get going then?" I asked.

"Yeah. We'll go by and get the boys first though. That okay?" Louis asked as we headed out the door.

"Sure thing." I grinned.

~Niall's POV~

I was sitting ready, watching tv with Liam while Zayn was still getting ready upstairs when the doorbell rang.

"Zaayn! We're going!" I shouted upto Zayn as I went to get the door. I opened it and Paige was standing at the door with Harry and Louis waiting in the car.

"You look amazing." I was in awe at Paige's beauty.

"Thanks." she blushed and looked at the floor.

"I'm ready!" Yelled Zayn, sprinting down the stairs.

"Let's go then!" I smiled at Paige.

We all pilled into Lou's SUV and headed off. Paige had no idea where we were going so that made it all the more fun.

"We're here!" Louis announced loudly incase we hadn't noticed he car had stopped.

"The London dungeons? Oh my god! I've always wanted to go here!" She gave out a little excited squeak.

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