10. Lucifer?

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Look at me being productive and posting twice in one night!

The two boys walked down to the police station and walked in.

"Hi we want to see Drew Gooden. Or at least give us some information on why is he here." Danny said confidently to the receptionist while Kurtis just stood next to him. Kurtis thought danny was more pissed than confident but it was almost the same thing.

"Oh Drew Gooden? Yeah just go down the hall and to the left then youll see a police officer that can tell you more about the situation." The woman said while flipping through some pages in a book.

Danny stormed off down the hall and Kurtis followed, shouting a quick thanks to the woman at the desk.

They almost reached the other officer when Kurtis grabbed Danny's hand.

"Hey calm down a bit, if we stay calm im sure we can get Drew out safely. But if you get pissed of at everyone it's probably not gonna be good." Kurtis whispered to him and danny calmed down a bit realizing he was probably right.

"Yeah okay." Danny nodded letting go of Kurtis' hand and walking towards the police officer.

"Hi sir can you please tell us why you arrested our friend Drew Gooden?" Kurtis asked.

"He is a suspect in a murder investigation." The cop said. Danny and Kurtis froze.

"A what-?" Danny asked startled.

Meanwhile Drew was sitting in his little cell staring at the wall. He was told someone would come visit him soon and tell him what's going on.

"Hellooo?" Drew yelled at nobody in particular. He sighed and leaned his head against the wall.

'Its a all a misunderstanding right?' Drew thought.

"Mr. Gooden? Im detective Decker and im here to explain a few things." A blonde woman approached his cell and sat in a chair in front od the entrance.

"Uh yea it would be great to know why im here. You people almost shot my friends!" Drew said angrily, getting up.

"I apologize for that, it was unprofessional. But you might want to sit down for this." The detective said and Drew reluctantly obeyed.

"Mr. Gooden you are a suspect in a murder investigation." She sighed, closely studying Drews surprised facial expressions.

"What? Who's dead? And why am i a suspect?" Drew asked, fearing the answer.

"Your ex wife, Amanda Gooden has been murdered. I'm sorry Drew." Detective Decker said.

"No.." Drew whispered, tears silently dripping from his eyes.

But at the same time, his two friends were receiving the same news.

"Your friend Drew is suspected to have something to do with his ex wives death." The cop said in a bored tone to the two guys.

"What?? Amanda is dead?" Kurtis said.

"No that cant be right, what happened? How? And why would drew do it he was with us the whole time." Danny continued but the cop cut him off.

"Listen kid, i dont know and i dont care, ask detective Decker when she's done with your friend." The cop said shooing them away to the waiting area.

"Amanda is gone.." Drew cried silently. He did love someone else and so did Amanda but they still spent a lot of time together and he cared about her. She cant just be gone right?

Danny x Drew x Kurtis triangleWhere stories live. Discover now