Chapter 102 Q/A ANSWERS!

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Q/A Answers. (The picture ❤❤❤)


"What inspires you to write?"

I don't really know, but I absolutely love everyones support and happiness when they read, so I guess that it? Its also my way of practicing for LA class and its seriously helped.

"Is Keiko afraid of getting pregnant? Does she want kids?"

Keiko really wants kids and I dont really wanna spoil a lot, but... Keiko is literally afraid of pregnant women, so you can decide on that lmao.

"Are you sleeping and eating properly? If not be prepared to get beaten by the chancla-"


I hate sleeping.

"Can I be your friend?"

OF COURSE! All of you are my friends!


"What made you want to start writing stories?"

Everytime I went to bed i'd think up good OC or just scenarios of being in the naruto world and I eventually build up stories from there. I wanted to write stories because there were a lot of stories I wasn't satisfied with and wanted to make it perfect in my own way. I also just really enjoyed writing cause its fun and I love entertaining you all!


"Can we be friends, you seem really cool?"


"Is it hard to write stories? If so, on a scale from 1-10."

Well it really depends at what part of the story im at.

For example if it's a LEMON (yeah I see you smiling) That might be a little more difficult for me since I need to describe it really well. But usually writing comes easy to me because I always plan the next chapter in my head and just go with the flow.

"Is Keiko gonna have children? If so, will she be scared?"



(Omg I love your username)

"How strong is Keiko? Who is she stronger than?"

Keiko is like crazy strong. And since when Naruto is in Bijuu mode her freeze frame doesn't affect him so when she doesn't use it, they're on par.

I mean, she fought both Sasuke and Naruto so...

"Does Keiko want kids?"

Yes. She actually really does want kids and loves them.


"Will Keiko's children or child be in the academy with Boruto and the rest? Will you write a story for Keiko's children?"


That's a good question.

Okay, so I don't think i'll do Boruto because its really hard to plan for it since I dont know what happens in the future. But If they have kids I will dedicate a few chapter to Him/She/ Them. But I dont really think I'll be writing a story if she has kids since I actually have another fic planned and two others im currently writing.


"Will you write a story for the next generations?"

I dont think I will. It depends on the future.

"Does Keiko want to have children? If yes, how many?"

Yall are really curious about her having kids, Huh?

Yes, she wants kids. How many...? Uh I dont want to spoil that but Kakashi wants 3 max.


"How were you able to write the whole Naruto Saga so easily when there's over 700+ episodes?"

Awww ty! I actually dont know but I've had practice with my first fan fic (Which Is super cringey) And I know which parts to skip and which parts everyone is interested. People are tired of seeing them in Narutos perspective, so I placed it in my OCs. For example the pain arc where I basically skipped the whole Talk no jutsu and described how Keiko was feeling instead. I really just went with the flow!

"How do you write the Uchiha personality so well? Goodnight "

I'm flattered you think it's good! It took me a while to understand the Uchihas, and when I finally made one it was really not as easy as it would seem. I had to find them a strong power that could be beaten somehow and had to work around the whole curse of hatred thing.

I hope that explains it! Goodnight to you too!❤

And i'll answer a few questions for you all to know!

I usually plan this books chapter at night where I literally lay down, close my eyes and picture the words and moves and basically everything. I guess it's my way of meditating!

I really like calm and soft songs, or chill hip hop lofi!

I'm the second grade of middle school (Do you know which one?)!

I live in Canada but i'm not from here!

I made two drawings of Keiko! One of her when she was a kid and one right now, but the second is only half of her because I suck at drawing full body!

If you still have questions just comment them somewhere random and ill do my best to answer them!

And the biggest fact is I love all of you and appreciate the 80K! THATS LITERALLY INSANE AND I THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! Please continue to read and support me!❤❤❤❤❤❤

Have a good day/night/evening/afternoon!

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