Chapter 112

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Keiko woke up normally, and changed into a comfortable pair of sweatpants and kept the shirt she was borrowing from her husband, on, placing on house slides and walking to the kitchen where she had her normal cup of morning tea

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Keiko woke up normally, and changed into a comfortable pair of sweatpants and kept the shirt she was borrowing from her husband, on, placing on house slides and walking to the kitchen where she had her normal cup of morning tea.

She smiled and practically downed the cup. She was tired, and had a certain Hatake to blame, though he'd only grin and slyly comment about her exhaustion. She grabbed her book and went to sit outside on the porch, enjoying the calming sound of chirping birds and soft trees rustling.

Her tied up and messy hair flowed lightly as a nice breeze hit her making her sigh happily. Her fingers flipped the book open and turned to where she had left off.

About forty minutes of reading, the door slid open and she heard light footsteps. A chest pressed against her back as arms pulled her in around her waist and a head rested on her shoulder.

"Good morning." His voice was low and hoarse, proof he had just woken up.

"Morning." He kissed her neck softly and stared at the page she was on.

"Sleep nice?"


"Alright. Let's go back to sleep. It's obvious you're still tired."

"No." She shook her head and moved her left hand to run through his hair, which he let out a soft sigh to.

"I'm not really tired. Besides, the car is going to be here soon."

"Oh...That's true..." He groaned in annoyance and tightened his arms around her.



"Mention anything about me to Jiraiya, and you're off for two months."

"Huh!?" He yelled in shock causing Keiko to wince and rub her ear.


"Because..." Red appeared on her cheeks as her eye twitched and she could feel all her pride melting away in his presence.

"Oh, I see." He laughed. "Don't worry, Keiko, I wont tell him. And besides, no offense but your pride really wont affect how you react to me in bed." An irk mark appeared on her head as she clenched her grip on the tea cup.

"Mm." Her smile seemed threatening. "Kakashi, go make me another cup of tea."

"Huh? Why-"

"Just go."

"Y-Yes ma'am."



𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐔𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐡𝐚 𝐇𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 | 𝑯. 𝑲𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now