10 years

182 6 2

The day had come you were 10 which meant you could finally learn under Orochimaru "Are you sure about this (y,n)?" Gaara asked with worry in his voice "Don't worry Gaara I've got this if he had become my sensei at 7 like with you I'd probably be begging you to get me out of there so I can handle it."

Kabuto and your new sensei walked into the room with the sound 4 close behind (yes I'm aware they're called the sound 5 but I count heads, not bodies and Jirobo and Kimimaro are dead to me) "Are you ready (y,n)?" Orochimaru asked you smiled with excitement "I'm ready Orochimaru sensei."  

*At Orochimaru's base*

"Kabuto where are we going?" you asked but instead of Kabuto answering Ukon answered for him "Lord Orochimaru is busy so he demanded that Kabuto teach you." you chuckled "What's so funny?" Tayuya retorted "It's just that the parasite finally talks." the hallway went silent all that could be heard was Kabuto stifling his laughter "(y,n) let's try NOT to pick a fight on your first day" "Ok babe"


*after chunin exams*  "So (y,n) now that the chunin exams are over can you meet me in the woods?" "um sure kabuto" * in the woods* "Kabuto are you here?!" "I'm here" "well why did you call me all the way out he-"  Kabuto kissed you it was quick but still a kiss  "I-I'm so-" he was cut off by your lips pressed against his "Yes I'll be your girlfriend."

"Is this my room" "yes first lesson in 30 minutes" 

Sorry if this is garbage I shut out this part of my past for a reason and now I have to dig it out again

Kabuto: I said I was sorry      Me: And why I have not killed you remains a mystery

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