Finally a break

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"Okay, so I place my hands like this over the injured part and focus my chakra until the wound is gone?" "Yes, simple isn't it?" You grinned as you started to heal your own wounds which was easier than you thought. As you finished up you noticed Orochimaru had left your room.

Because you had nothing else to do you figured you would explore the base and figure out where everything is 'I wonder what Orochimaru is doing' you thought although when you opened your door you got your answer "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" you wondered where and who it was coming from so you followed the screams

You arrived at one of the many lab doors and you noticed another person in there with Orochimaru, Kabuto, he was strapped to a chair and he was being tortured '(y,n) he's your boyfriend you should help him' you shook your head violently Kabuto was no longer your lover 

At this point, you hated him just as much as you did Sasuke which was a lot "Oh hello (y,n) do come in" Orochimaru called out to you. Kabuto glared at you 'how is she walking' he thought "What's the matter Kabuto surprised, if you took the time to teach her the real way this," Orochimaru gestured to the torture "wouldn't be happening"

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