They know

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*(y,n)'s pov:"(Y,n) get your ass down here we need to go Sasuke accepted our offer." this was the moment I was dreading. "I'm coming."

*time skip brought to u by Sasuke's duck ass hair* 

"(y,n) help us get Sasuke back!" Naruto called out when he saw me "I can't Naruto."  I told him walking away before I heard Kiba and Sakon fall down into a canyon "NOOOO!" I yelled and started to jump after them but Shikamaru stopped me "(Y,n) it's alright Kiba can handle it." "No, he can't He's gonna get killed." I jumped down not caring about what was going on above. When I landed I saw the fight had already started and I hid behind a rock, the last thing I was gonna do was jump in and risk Kiba finding out.

*Timeskip brought to you by dollar tree Shigaraki Ukon and Sakon: seriously  Me: Yes* 

Sakon and Ukon were separated and Kiba was seriously injured 'This isn't good' I thought while running to them *I legit don't remember the order of what happened first so bear with me*  "(y,n) what are you doing here?!" Kiba shouted at me with a mix of excitement and fear in his voice "Oh your here, babe can you help me out here?" "BABE!!!!!?????" Kiba glared at me "(Y,n) what's going on?" I looked away not wanting to respond until Sakon did for me "She's been with Lord Orochimaru for a year now what did you expect, that she would stay single all that time, face reality dog boy." 

(Ok laziness has taken over you know the fight that happens and if you dont look it up and watch the episode, basically all that happens next is i-er (y,n) helps Sakon rinse out his eyes (at least I think it was Sakon) and cries when Kankuro uses his "Crow and ant Combo iron maiden" so ya I'm fucking lazy back to the fic)

"No!" I cried when I heard Sakon scream, therefore, earning a look from Kankuro "Umm? (y,n) why are you crying?" Being under so much stress I took out my SSD and glared at Kankuro "They did nothing to you especially Sakon, now your gonna pay." "(Y,n) are you nuts they were the enemy don't tell me that you fell for those morons, I mean come on I get they were like the only guys you've seen in a year but seriously!?" I started to give SSD Kankuro's DNA and tell him to attack the cat-eared man but Kiba tackled me to the ground.

"(Y,n) don't you'll regret it if you do now let it go." I broke down crying, letting go of SSD, and in between sobs I pretty much begged "Just let me do something first then I'll come home, ok." they nodded and somehow didn't kill me when I carried the twins' bodies on my back and jumped away.

"Lord Orochimaru!" I called out "What is it (y,n)?" "I need a couple of favors." "I'm listening?" "First," I gently laid down the twins 'bodies on a couple of gurney's nearby "help me heal them." Orochimaru gave me a solemn look "They're dead, I'm sorry." "NO, they can't be, what happened to the Orochimaru that could do almost anything, the strongest Sannin I know, now acting like a wimp. Now that's a joke." he glared at me, I mean after all, could you blame him I just dared to yell at him. "No promises, what's the other favor?"

I hesitated if I tell him I'm leaving I'll likely be an enemy from then on not to mention Kiba or Shikamaru might rat me out that I tried to attack an ally I could be viewed as a traitor to the leaf for the rest of my days. "Well?" I took a deep breath and decided to risk it all "After we heal Kidomaru, Tayuya, and the twins I'm leaving." "Fine, your welcome back whenever." I sweat dropped 'seriously' I thought.

*Timeskip brought to u by the shoe that squished Kidomaru    Kido: SERIOUSLY!!!!  me: yes*

"They're recovering." I bowed "Thanks, can I visit after this boils over" "Of course, after all, you are my star pupil." I nodded and left for the leaf.

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